Monday, May 22, 2006

I am tired.

I got up at..oh.. 9 or so this morning, and I was up... checked my email.. then I was watching a Star Wars commentary with Mike and fell asleep.. I slept until at least 12:30... and I'm still tired...
Well, just 2 more essays until summer. It was 3, but I got 1 done just a little bit ago. Here's some things I want to do, once I finish the essays:
PAINT!! I want to expirement with paints and try out some projects that I hope to teach in summer art workshops..maybe...
Clean my room. I'm not sure if there's any patches of floor in there.. I haven't seen them lately.. literally.. cloooothes all over the floor... and other stuff...books... micellaneous things.. but mostly clothes. I need to clean my room before Thursday, for I shall be starting a friendship quilt with some friends of mine on Thursday...
Work. Or put in applications. I actually had an interview at McDonalds last Sunday... (a week ago Sunday) and she said they could probably really use me, but she hasn't called me ideal job would be... Braums, Dairy Queen, Sonic, or Starbucks :D
Lol, sleep. Actually go to sleep on time, instead of after midnight... but I don't know if that's going to happen, since my parents usually stay up and watch tv... but they're getting better about it.
Plan a pool party!
Plan plan plan things. I have discovered that I love planning things. Pool Party, quilt thingy, art workshops... YAY FOR PLANNING THINGS!!!!
And I'm sure there were a ton of other things on my list... like get together with friends! Yay! And the lock-in on Friday-Saturday! Yay!
So I'll ttyl... hopefully I can get those essays done today! Chow :P
Have fun y'all...

2 Bananas:

Blogger Aaron.D.Nemoyer said...

1. You are J not N.

2. Your room sounds as clean as mine ever is.

3. A bit of advice for trying to get a job. If they don't call you back in a couple days, then call them back and ask them stuff. That willl greatly improve your chances of getting the job.

4. The word verification thing I got is Mork V. Pub. :P (spaces and such added by me)

5/27/2006 11:46 AM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

1. Ish confuzzled on the J, not N thing... :P
2. Yes... sometimes it can get really bad...
3. Ah... that's interesting... I'll have to try that :) What kind of stuff do you ask?
4. That makes your initials 'MVP' heehee...
I always seem to get a q in mine...

5/27/2006 5:22 PM  

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