Saturday, April 15, 2006

In Missouri


*yay, party!!!*
lol..jk...I hope...:P

And now to start typing like a mad maniac monkey...cuz' I've got a lot to say! And you've got a lot to read! Doesn't that make you soooo happy? :D
Gah! No text editing! No colors, or sizes, or hyperlinks!! I miss firefox...suffering from firefox withdrawal..or however you spell that word...
Happy Easter to you all!
And now, for the message I have prepared for you.
Yo, wad up peeps...
Speaking of peeps, this is my announcement to the world...
The Peep War now has itself a place on the net...
Which means... I can now be a part of it again! I can now be a part of a war that I assisted in starting...
Perhaps this means I can get my old job back as commander in chief of the Peep Savers...since I can now actually uphold that job again...
And now, for the dreaded link...
In other news...
Thursday we drove to MO. That's where we are now, of course, enjoying Easter... I had a 'do-nothing' sort of day yesterday... it was soooo nice... I REALLY needed it... and today will be the same sort of day... it's nice to be rested up- especially since school is ending soon (May 5th or so)
Things I did while in the car:
*Read the Bible (my all-time favorite)
*Listened to Veggie Rocks (I love Track 4!! -In the Belly-)
*Listened to Wayne Jacobson (He's so awesome! Check him out!)
*Drove all of Oklahoma (a good 4 hours, at least)
*DRANK COFFEE!!!! Frappacino, of course (my all-time second favorite)
*Petted, watched, and listened to Meowser
*Ate ice cream, chips, and candy, and drank soda!
...and lots of other stuff...

So that was Thursday. Yesterday, I...had...oh yes! I had pigs in the blanket for breakfast...we went into town..I car! yes... my car...well actually it's mine and my bros... but my grandparents gave it to us, for us to drive until we save money for our own car... I really like it... and even though they don't read this... THANK YOU GRANDMA AND GRANDPA!!! :D Tiz a burgundy and white Buick...yayness! I actually get my own set of car keys! Well..actually.. I'm the only one who has a set of keys, at the moment...
And today we went through clothes... lots and lots and LOTS of clothes... there was some pretty cute stuff in there, though... like this reaaaallly cute dress... it's black, with a) sheer material, b) SPARKLYS!! c) daisies (they're red) and did I mention sheer material? :D I love sheer an overlay, of course..but..yah..I really like the dress...the only thing is, it's sleeveless and one of the strap needs fixing...but hey, that's stuff you can change with a little thread and a shawl/jacket...
And I also found a pair of velvet pants..which I actually *like*.. I'm not that into velvet, but I do like it on dresses... and these are more like workout pants anyways.. well I dunno, I guess they are dress pants..but.. they were comfy.. so I decided to keep them...
Oh, for those who don't know.. every time I go up to my grandparents, grandma gives us BAGS (as in, about, 7 or 8) big ones, too, of clothes to sort through. They're from the thrift store she volunteers at. I think that's where I got my favorite hoody- Tigger, of course- from... yess... there can be some pretty nifty stuff in there. And then there's other stuff...that my mom and grandma convince me that I want... and then I get home and find a closet and dresser full of clothes... and it ends up going back to a thrift store... but hey, it's all worth it in the end... that cute black dress...yesss.....yesssssssssssss.... mi likkkeeeeessses it...
Ok I'm going to quit talking like Gollum now. Even though zee dress is so cute..mi precious... and I watched LOTR FotR last night.. and even though Grandma PASSED IT UP... how can you pass up LOTR?? Is it even physically possible? I guess Grandma overturned and defeated all the odds... and she passed it.. but then later, she had to go do something. My bro then had the remote, and I got it from him.. and I flipped as quick as I could through the channels.. and there it was. 15-30 minutes through, which wasn't *that* bad... the hobbits were in whats-his-name's corn field..
Let's see... what else... well in town yesterday I helped mom pick out Easter candy...fuuuun... caaaandyyy....GIVE ME THE CANDY!!!! sad.. see my sad face... we have to wait for tomorrow to eat the candy.. but then again, I still have nerds and M & M's in my purse... haha.. I'm always armed with my ammo :P Eh, I mean candy, of course.
Right now.. looking for a Starbucks.. in MO... so we can stop on the way back.. seeing as we will be getting up at 6 tomorrow, for the Sunrise Service at my grandparents church.. I think we'll probably leave around 12 or 1, like always...looks like there's one in Joplin..
DibidibeedibidibeediThat's all folks!
~Miss Goose~

2 Bananas:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you just say mad maniac monkey? Maniac monkey?? Heh heh. :p

Oh, and thanks a MILLION for starting a Peep War forum. Seriously. We just (mostly) took it off of MH, so now it's got a place to go! Hooray!

Happy Easter (tomorrow!)

4/15/2006 9:11 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

:D Yes I did. I did indeed. I said it like the mad maniac monkey I am :P Well.. actually I didn't *just* say it... well I did, in this comment..but in the blog, it was.. yesterday... yah.. I'm confusing myself again..
...and how does that make you feel? :P

(regarding Peep War)
Oh twas my pleasure! :D But I don't know that many MHers read my hmm...
Yes, Happy Easter to you too! :)

4/16/2006 9:33 AM  

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