Thursday, June 08, 2006

:D Guess what I am!

...tired! Why do I always post when I'm tired?
I'm tired and sunburnt.. and they are linked, too... well yesterday I got a pretty bad burn on my shoulders and back... all over.. and so I couldn't go to sleep last night... I wanted to sleep on my side, but I couldn't, because it hurt my sunburnt shoulders... it hurt less when I laid on my back.. but it still hurt... so I don't really remember getting much sleep at all. Then my contact hurt at 7:20 or so this morning. So I had to take it out. I wanted to try to get at least a little bit of sleep before today, but it didn't really happen. So I am really tired.
Today, the girls came over for quilting, from 10 until 4.. very tiring.. but loads of fun! I'm beginning to see our quilts coming together.. tiz very cool!
And I leave for camp on Sunday. Fun fun. Verrry fun! Ish very excited... I want Sunday to come quicker! I can't wait to have a break from everything...
I took in about 7 applications last Wednesday.. as far as I know, I haven't gotten any call backs... but oh well.. I guess that means more applications, or call them.. but I don't feel like calling them :P Anyways...
I'm sure there are a lot of other things to say, but I'm tired... so I will let y'all get back to whatever you were doing before you came to my blog :D
If you aren't busy, I'd love a holler(sp?).. but you don't have to :)
Oh, I finally chose my real favorite verse. Tiz 1 John 4:16, in the NIV version. It sums it up more, and thus is shorter :P But I think I does a pretty good job of tying the points in the verse together... but here it is, in case you don't own a Bible :P

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.
1 John 4:16 NIV

And my other favorite verse.. the one that's not as.. theological, lol...

Eat honey, my son, for it is good;
honey from the comb is sweet to your taste.
Proverbs 24:13 NIV

Yesss... that is a GREAT verse :P Justification for hyperness, lol :D

"Jimmy! Put that honey down!!"
"But Moooom... God told me to do it!" :D :D :D
~Miss Goose~

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