Sunday, July 10, 2005

Lots of nothingness for you to read

Bethany Word of the Entry: Melodramatisiscm
Definition: Over-exaggerating or use of extreme drama

Just thought I'd put a list of all my websites on here:
The Fiction Times
Miss Bethany's Freeweb
Junorima's Freeweb
Far Above Rubies
French Fries Rock!
American Internet Cafe
(message board)

Save The Peeps!
My Xanga
My Blog
Meowser's Webpage

And it still seems to be growing...... if you know of a website that I've made that's not on here, let me know! :D
Sooooooo...... what's been happening since my last stop in Bloggathia? Well... I've spent much time in the Dark Email Cave of Doom (sometimes known as Emailtopia), Admin World(for message board administrators only), NetBeach(for websurfers), and WMland(for WebMasters). Oh, and I also stopped at IMtopia (seldom known as the Dark IM cave of doom) for a little while, for those of you who do not know, IMtopia is on the other side of the Dark Email cave of doom. Very closely related in their history, much like all the Vikings.

Today, I think we're going to the movies, prolly to see Herbie. So that will be fun. And tomorrow will be loads of fun- we're going to a water park! Tuesday we're going blueberry picking, and my pal Rachel's coming over!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't seen her in soooooooooooo long, I can't wait! And then we might possibly go laser-tagging on Tuesday........ and of course I have my last two days of DE tomorrow and Tuesday.........yippee!!! From then on out it's just driving times!!!!!!!

Mom went to the grocery store, and she's gonna get Bunny Tracks ice cream! Mmmmm.. the yummy chocolatey goodness........ :D :P Right now. .... watching Endurance 2.... yah I guess that's it for now... sorry if I wasted a lot of your time!

Who wonders if anyone read all of this post.
AND who wonders if she is special.........................................

18 Bananas:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your post was read. The material of said post may or may not be mentally retained by the reader. If said material is not retained by said reader, you have no right to sue.

Your speciality is a matter of opinion that may be subject to review by the courts.

This comment copyright XWH Inc.

The Lawyer

7/10/2005 8:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm other! Isn't that great? Awesome possumness on the DE! Just out of curiosity, why do you have so many sites? Isn't that hard to keep up with? BTW, you must have joined the dark side if you're eating BUNNY tracks. Mwahahaha! I knew you'd come around.

;) LN

7/11/2005 9:24 AM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

That is great!! Yep yep!
As to your question....
well... I guess I started one, than wanted to make another site about something else, and just kept adding like that.. and it's not too hard, really I only update a few of them regularly....what I think would be AWESOME would be if I just put most of my sites together into one big site, but I am not sure if I want to take on that endeavor quite yet.

And I'm not eating bunnies, I'm eating their tracks. Kinda like mud. I AM NOT A DARK SIDER!!! :D :D :D :D

And Lawyer Goose- I do not wish to have the courts review my speciality. I wish for my readers to review it. :D

What does XWH stand for?

xit,E with hair...... hmmmm.....

Who is currently happy! SMILE!!!

7/11/2005 4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Bunny Tracks' sounds lovely!! What's in it? Little bits of fur? Rabbit nails? Yum!
Love the's soooo goose!
Hmmm...maybe you should consolidate your sites...but, then, there wouldn't be so many for us to look at, right? :)
Oh, BTW, I read you xanga all the time, but, since I don't have one, couldn't comment! And one of our addresses has gone wierd...I can't e-mail you, either! You have become the unreachable one..:(
grace franklin

7/11/2005 5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The meaning of XWH is confidential information. It is only given to those who need to know.

This comment copyrighted by XWH Inc.

The Lawyer

7/11/2005 8:34 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

It is great to hear from you! :) How ya been? Lol, yah bunny tracks are pretty good! Personally, I think they secretly put some mud in it, to make it better. I eat mud. (lol... as long as it's chocolate mud ;) )
RIGHT!!! I have to keep y'all busy reading all my sites ;)
Thanks- glad you like the blog! :)
Oh that is cooool that you read my Xanga!! I feel so special!!! :D Yah, the fact that guests can't comment.. that is pretty much why I switched to a blog.

Wow, that is wierd about the email! But you can reach me here now.... haha I was thinking about making a 'Random Comments' entry, kinda like a guestbook/place to keep up w/ my pals type place....
Anyhoo, thanks for your comment! Nice talking to you! :)

Also, Lawyer Goose, who says I don't need to know what XWH stands for? :D Or can you just not remember? :D :D :D :D Or maybe you don't know.... :D SHAME ON YOU Delta Goose! You don't know your own law firm... type.. place... 987987987987987 (for those whom do not know that is me tapping my fingers.... ;P)

~Betania Goose~

7/11/2005 10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is this "Delta Goose" that you refer to?

This comment has been copyrighted by XWH Inc.

The Lawyer

7/12/2005 8:37 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

The identity of Delta Goose is confidential information. It is only given to those who need to know.


~Betania Goose~

7/12/2005 8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is my identity confidential?

Delta Goose

7/12/2005 9:03 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

Because XWH is confidential.

~Goose Who Knows Who The Lawyer, Dc Talk Man, and all of Delta Goose's other aliases are. Including the first just anonymous one. :D ~

Who hears a song that's... about... Richard Simmons? That's... just... odd... but odd is good, right? eh...

7/12/2005 9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow....This guy sure has a lot of aliases....

7/13/2005 9:13 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

LOL that's cuz' he's YOU *talking to the 'anonymous' person who just posted*

~Detective Goose~
Who knows how to analyze message patterns...

7/13/2005 10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yup. You're right. yup. yup. yup. :D

Worst Goose


7/14/2005 9:18 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

You are a bad bad goose!!!! What did I tell you about saying that word? You need variety!! :D


~"Mike's sister" Goose~

7/15/2005 12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright. If you want to talk about variety, why don't you ever have any variatino from "Blank Goose" You need variety, like Goosey, or Duck on Fire. :D

Agent Delta

7/17/2005 4:21 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

OHHHH but I DO!!! :D :D :D I'm going to post my list of nicknames... as soon as I get them all together... And duck on fire is not a variant of Goose. :D Goose is simply one of my maaaaaaany many nicknames *ish reminded of another one* :D

Who wonders if anyone would still call her Goosey if she stopped *disliking* ;) it so much...she finds that if they would, she might rather like the name.... :D :D :D :D

And who *GASP* didn't sign as Goose!! Is this the end of the world as we know it? What does this mean for society? *ish reminded of another nickname* :D

7/17/2005 5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Society....What is this society? I have cut myself loose from reality. Me and Ardy. We have no use for reality. We prefer to go our own way without it....:D ;)

Agent Delta

7/17/2005 8:08 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

That's why I asked what it meant for society! Because I don't know what society is! I've heard people speak of it, it sounds like.. a sort of.. Emporer of the Universe or something, because everyone is always worrying about it... :D :D

You bad bad goose. WORST GOOSE. You didn't reply to the rest of my post! lol. :D :D

You go meet Ardy, dude, meet him and live happily ever after knowin' that you met him... ;) :D

Who many times before has been tempted to type Goosey. NOT GOOSEY :D

7/17/2005 9:48 PM  

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