Monday, July 11, 2005

Madame Goose's Great Day

Yah..... today was gReAT.... :D
Started off.. eh... not the best in the world, but than ended great. Sooooo... I woke up about 6:50 (yay! go me! lol) this morn'n.. and I had a fabulous breakfast... *whispers* SHHHHH!!! Don't tell anyone! *even softer whisper* I had a spoonful of Bunny Track Ice Cream! It was great!*/whispers* You didn't see/hear/read a thing. :D Soooo... anyhoo... at first we were... not going to go to the water park.... but I finally convinced my brother he wanted to go. Soooo... we got everything together, and headed off. That was moooooost of the not-absolutely-fabulousness of the morning. Than... we got there, and mom set up a seperate place for our stuff, and we didn't really hook up with peoples until noon... so that was pretty much the rest of the not-so-fabulous stuff. (Peoples=Mrs. Meier, Kennedy & Daniel, and for a little while Kelsey) One other not-so-fabulous thing was that when I saw K & D and yelled they didn't respond. :P But I forgive them ;) After all, I did only yell Daniel... and I was far away, and all that stuff. No suing will ensue. :D :D lol..... aaaanyhooo..... at noon we met peoples at lunch, mmmmmmmmmm lunch......... fooooood.... hung- oh! Is that my stomach typing again? Bad stomach! Bad stomach! Anyhoo, as I was saying... we met them, than everybody left except Mrs. M and I, so I stayed and finished my lunch... than I went back to bring some stuff back to our cooler (mom's camp) at which time I found out that Mike had come back and said he was going to the wave pool, which was also where K & D were, so I figured I'd go join their little party. :D That or break it up. :D :D :D Wait... they read this don't they... or at least K does... well.. YOU DIDN'T READ A THING :D lol. Anyways.....wait where was I. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm oh! WAVE POOL!!! That was fun. For a while I was putting my flip flops- errr I mean my goose bill in/on my mouth. After all, I am a goose. Yah. I'm not the leeeeeeeeeeast bit mentally deranged. Not in the slightest. It is YOU who are deranged, you who doth not know that we are all gooses!!! :D Anyhoo... I've said that word a lot, haven't I? Anyhoo? Well... after wave pool we went... where did we go.... yah we went to 'where did we go' it was fun. :D Seriously though, I thiiiiiiiiiiink we went to Lazy River next. I think. I do not know. I think, therefore I am...........not sure :D Ummmmm let's see.... maybe I'm getting things mixed up.... I know we went on these two big-two-person-type rides, the RIVER, and the wave pool... sooo I don't remember what order........... no wait! I don't forget! It's just that... these little mice came into my brain, I SAW them, and the next thing I remember is that I don't remember. So they MUST have chewed some wires in my brain! BAD MICE!!!! Eh.. too much sugar ;) But that's not necessarily a bad thing ;) :D Well, maybe it is for you, because I just keep going oooooon and oooooon but for me, it's great. :D GAH got Driver's Ed! Now you are off the hook! I'll just finish this up real quick... Oh yah! We got rainchecks for NRH2o!!! I love rainchecks!!! So we get to go again!!! YAYNESS!!!! Anyhoo I g2g.... got Driver's Ed, like I said! More laterz! Love y'all all!!! <3 *listening to Super Mario* Du du du, du du da du... du da du da du da du DU DU DU!!!! Not that YOU would know how to sing/hum it. :D

If you haven't smiled today, or even if you have..... SMILE!!!!! Jesus loves you! :D You're on Candid Camera!!!! Pretty Pink Ponies that Darth Vader rides into the sunset!!!!!! <<< bad grammer sentence, I know. Don't sue me!!!! PLEASE!!!! :D

~Smiling Goose~
Who is *gasp* smiling! :D
AND who will add a Bethany-Word of the Entry and also check this entry when she gets back

5 Bananas:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When did you yell at us?


7/11/2005 8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Only 7 days 12 hours and 52 minutes until Dare to Be Lutheran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Agent Delta

7/11/2005 8:38 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

I was in line for a ride, and I saw y'all on the lazy river, so I yelled out 'Daniel!!!!' but neither of you heard it. :) That or you thought it was someone else ;)

You silly goose... you're not excited in the least, are ya?

Betania Goose

7/11/2005 10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only 6 days 13 hours and 0 minutes until Dare to Be Lutheran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course I'm not excited. Just like I wasn't hyper on the chat last night when I kept posting that countdown over and over again.

Only 6 days 12 hours and 58 minutes until Dare to Be Lutheran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Agent Delta

7/12/2005 8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only 6 days 12 hours and 45 minutes until Dare to Be Lutheran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Agent Delta

7/12/2005 8:44 PM  

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