Monday, June 19, 2006


Yo wad up my peeple types!
Lol, just kidding, I'm not going retro :P Or whatever you call that. Homie-g-talking. Nope. No Homie-g-talking for Miss
Wait, not your name.. my name.. I'm confusing myself...
But! I! Have! To! Talk! About! CAMPO!! Now! Yes campo. Typo. Campo. Typo.
I like extremely short sentences. They. Are. Fun. And. Annoying.
But ANYWAYS!! I went to camp last week! I had a blast! You must know by now how much I love lists. So here's some of the great things about last week:
1. I laughed SO HARD!!! Rachel (yes, there is another coffee-hyper Rachel) had coffee, and she got really funny when we were in our dorm one night. Well, when I was in my friend's dorm. She came over, and shared her coffee-inspired-hyper-almost-drunkness with us :D And it was so funny... Sunday after we came back, me and my brother were still laughing over stuff that had happened at camp, or on the bus. A lot of stuff that Jared did- he really made us laugh a LOT!!! All Sunday long we were like "Oh yah! And Jared did that!" lol! For instance the chew marks on the cd case. He likes chewing things, heehee... and another winner for being hilarious would have to be Isaac with his dance- he seemed to have a lot of fun!

2. Coffee! I already mentioned Rachel and her coffee, but I have not yet told you of my coffee story! I had coffee, for the FIRST TIME (well, basically, the other times don't count because I didn't like coffee then) un-mixed. Yep. That's what I call straight coffee. Even though it had 4 PACKETS OF SUGAR in it.. yesss... I got REEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLY super mega hyper. Just ask my youth group. Really hyper. Like more-than-Bethany's-ever-been-before-hyper. I want coffee now :D But it was great.. and of course I had french vanilla cream in it too... And the other coffee related thing that I need to share is my analogy. Ok, so I will use a list again (yes, a list within a list! Only possible via Bethany's list Inc.!) to show this analogy.
Coffee changed my life (oh yes!)
Coffee has healing powers
Coffee is intoxicating :D
Coffee made me want to tell everyone about it
Coffee excited me, especially the first time I tried it unmixed.

Now, this is what I compare it to:
Jesus love changed my life.
Jesus love has healing powers.
Jesus love is intoxicating.
Jesus love makes me (and it should even moreso) want to tell everyone about Him
Jesus love excites me, and it really excites people who are experiencing it for the first time.

That was my coffee-Jesus epiphany. :D Or however you spell that word. I actually keep noticing more things about coffee that are similar to Jesus' love...

But anyways, back to the list.

3. Met new people, and got to know some people from my youth group better!

4. Saw at least 2 people (not from my youth group) who knew who I was. Maybe there was another one, I don't really remember though. Both were with FBC Aledo. (Jessica! One of your neighbors was there!)

5. I felt the comfort and peace of the Holy Spirit

6. I spent time at the PRAYER GARDEN!!! Oh yah! I love the prayer garden :D It's so awesome!

7. Lightsaber fought, just a little

8. PLAYED MESSY GAMES AND GOT EGGS IN MY HAIR AND WHIPPED CREAM IN MY FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And also had chocolate syrup coated marshmallows dropped on me, smushed my face into ketchup and mustard, rolled around in eggs, mustard, ketchup, and chocolate syrup, passed a bowl of tomato sauce over my head, and other things I do not remember.

9. Had breakfast every day! Aren't you proud of me? :D

10. Discovered my spiritual gifts: Exhortation, Mercy, and Faith

11. Saw Michael! YAY MICHAEL!!!! (lol, oh yah, he's my brother :D my bad :P)

12. Had an awesome group leader! He loved the Lord, but he was hyper and crazy at the same time! Kinda like me! I really identified well with him.

13. Played Duck Duck Goose a few times, in which I could be both duck and goose. Yes, someone named my duckie at camp. Because I was being a duck on fire at camp... just for camp! I am still a goose though! It was funny though, because in messy games, when we played duck duck goose, Wes (my youth group leader) tagged me, and said "MUDDY GOOSE!!!" as he did it :D

And the rest of these things, I will not try to remember right now.

Now, I have to tell you though, there was one thing I did the day before camp and the day after camp (today): Cooking. Cooking sweets. Now what does this tell you? A) I love cooking, and B) I love sweets :D But I probably didn't have to tell you either one of those, except maybe the cooking. But if you've been reading my blog for awhile, you probably remember the Christmas candy burn heh heh... yah... that....*sweeps under rug* :P

And I got to hug Meowser again! I was so glad to hug my kitty tat again! I doowuv my wittoh titty tat!

But I shall be gone now, and let you get on with your day!

~Muddy Goose~

PS Pictures! I shall be getting them on Wednesday (hopefully) so I will post some here maybe later on this week.

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