Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Random Day in Netopia (and also Blueberry World)

Lessee.... today I picked blueberries! It was perty nice, and the berries were perty good too. :D We have LOTS of blueberries now... heehee! And guess what? We went to Dairy Queen!! We almost NEVER get to go to DQ any more! It was great!!!!!!!!! :D I got their new Chocolate French Silk Pie Blizzard, and it was very good. *ish reminded that she left it in the car* brb! *ish back* Anyhoo... yah that blizzard was perty good! :D*likes the word perty* *HATES the fact that she can't use her html type language in blogger* (referring to when I would surround text --as I did with the ** above-- with <> those thingys... I don't remember what they are called..) ANYHOO!!! Back to the subject.. which was....... ah yes my day. :D Welllllll.... hmmmmmm........I was very tired today, needless to say, after getting up semi-early and berry picking... and... and... uh...... hmmm.... OHHHH!!!! *ish reminded of the rest of the things that happened today* I TALKED TO TEIA TODAY!!!!!!! I think I will call her 'GiggleGoose' is that kewl with you Teia girl? :D :D Anyhoo it was sooooo fun talkin' to her- you! HI TEIA!!!! lol. And... ummmm... there was something else, but feeble as my mind is I... don't... know...OH!! BUNNY TRACKS!! I HAD BUNNY TRACKS ICE CREAM TODAY!!! *yum* And I would LOVE to show you what I have been working on today:

Go there, to find a map of Netopia! :D

As for tomorrow........... I have.. an eye appointment! wow! isn't that great! i like talking with all under caps! yay! lol ok I think I'll stop now.... ;) And I think we are dropping some brisket off at Meiers... that's fun! and..and.. ok, ok, maybe it's getting annoying now... hmmmmmmmm.... well Friday K & D come over for programming dash swimming (programming-swimming) yes I like typing out the word dash... it's such a great word! Kind of like the word and! So many uses! and..and..and..ok. Yah. Hyper. Sugar. And also party Friday at Meier's... so that will be fun, I am SOOOOO looking forward to seeing Jessica!!! *wonders if Jess reads this* HI JESSICA!!! LOVE YOU MY TINKERBELLE GIRL!!! :D :D :D <3 and..and..and.. :D oh! soon I will post a list of my evergrowing list of list of list of names. Here's a sneak peek:

Mike's sister
'his/your sister'
Kanga Twin

Isn't that great? Sooo many remind me of all my friends- love y'all all!!! Katie, I don't know if you read this, but I miss you!!!!!!! Hope you are having fun in Wisconsin, girlfrien'!!!! And here's hi to everyone else... RACHEL!! GRACE!!! HANNAH!!! And whoever else I missed... I'll get you next time! Lol! :D

Anyhoo I better go now! Love y'all all lotses and lotses!!! :D

~Spontaneous Goose~

3 Bananas:

Blogger Teia said...

the whole gigglegoose thing is okie with yeah...uh...the whole thing sounds fun...and i love talking to you too yeah...i hate typin -- ;-) -- that but it's out of habit...

you're a good teacher by the way...
talk to ya later platypuss :-)

7/13/2005 10:47 PM  
Blogger Teia said...

just a note...i also left a new comment on 'random comments' so's mostly for Delta and platypuss..

7/13/2005 10:52 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

:D Okie GiggleGoose!! :D Thanks! You are good student!! ;) Talk to ya later... enjoy your weekend, GiggleGoose! :D

~Platypuss Goose~

7/15/2005 12:11 PM  

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