Friday, December 01, 2006

August 12

Wow. I haven't posted on here since August 12th! Sorry peoples! Well.. if anyone still reads this anyways, it seems to have become a ghost town.
Where have I been all this time? How could I get by without venting my thoughts on the internet? How could I desert you? Well, the truth is, I, erm... turned to the dark side, that being... (dun dun dun) MYSPACE... Yes.. I have turned aside from my old ways...
Anyways... a LOT has gone on since then... this week, Christmas decorations... as far as holiday festivities go:
I've already bought mostly all my Christmas gifts (actually I had most of them bought BEFORE Thanksgiving) I was getting into the holiday spirit about 2-3 weeks before Thanksgiving, lol.. I'm loving the Christmas music on the radio.. we got our family tree up yesterday, I got all my decorations up today... seeing as up until last night, for about a month, my floor was covered, more than a foot thick (I'm not kidding. You might find a rare sighting of the floor, but it was A FOOT THICK in most places) with...stuff. Papers, books, bags, clothes, more clothes, a suitcase, basket, pillows, blankets, socks, you name it, it was on my floor. Oh, and did I mention I happened upon 4 cans of Dr Pepper whilst cleaning out my room... or the piles of candy... or the games... or the popcorn... yes my room was a DISASTER... ever since I got back from Mexico.. actually, that would make it more like 2 or 3 months with my room a mess. I 'cleaned' it once during that time... and that was mostly just piling everything on my top bunk and making it look like it was clean :P Anyways... now it's about cleaned up, thank goodness. So that is why I could not put up my decorations until last night. Otherwise I would've, believe me, I was really in the Christmas spirit :P Oh, and I saw the Nativity Story tonight, that was pretty good.
What else, what else.. well.. we went to my grandparents in MO for Thanksgiving... and for my grandpa's 75th birthday.. that was nice and quiet... my cat is sick... :( :( :( we give him medicine every day.. he hates it... he hated my grandparents farm, he wouldn't eat (he isn't eating much anyways) (yes we took him up thanksgiving) I think he mostly hated being out on the lonely, cold, back porch... near the doggy.. and this time, he can't get under the floor.. the past times, when we went up there, he would always get under the floor... but grandma put a board over the whole so he wouldn't go down there. So he was depressed the whole trip.. poor cat... he's eating more now, but he's lost a lot of took him to the vet again today, and the vet basically said he doesn't have much longer with us... I love my kitty cat though :)(:
What else... oh I lost my whole winter wardrobe somehow.. I put it in our storage shed, in a bag, and when I endeavoured to seek it out again a few weeks ago, it was gone... I managed to basically buy everything I needed for under $5... at the thrift store my grandma volunteers at... all the shirts are turtlenecks, but oh well.. it's better than nothing :)(:
Anyways... I better go... I want to try to finish up school tonight, and seeing as it's already 10:30, I better get started... love y'all..
Merry Christmas!

2 Bananas:

Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's nice to know that I'm not the only person who's been busy.

Anyway, I'm just posting to say that I came over to read this for teh first time in months.

It's been months since I've read most blogs, so don't feel bad.

And coffee is good. Vanilla frosties are good. Firefox is good.

Sorry to hear about Meowser. I hope he starts feeling better soon.

Sophie and Fritz send greetings. Will I be at science next semester? Chances are, no.

Such a long comment. Much longer than most of my comments.

Merry Christmas, and good night!


"The CIA computers are public property, am I not right?!?!?!?!" -- Jason

12/07/2006 9:46 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

:) Thanks so much for the comment! And for reading :)(:
Yah, the busy-ness seems to be making it's rounds!
Yes, coffee is most definitely good. Especially at 11 o clock at Wendy's... scaring co-workers is fuuun... :D Yay! You've had vanilla frosties? They are very good. They are imposters, a horrible deed done by Wendy' sway from the original, nevertheless, very tasty. :D
And firefox is most definitely good as well.
Thanks for the comment about Meowser :) We're force feeding him now... he was eating a little, but mom thought we ought to to get his strenth back, so he would eat more on his own..but he's..still doing pretty bad.
Send my greetings right back to Sophie and Fritz! Give them a biiig hug and pet them lots for me!
Figured so about science... so I was right! I won't ever see you again! :P
Long comments are good :) Mine, in turn, was also long :P
Merry Christmas!!!!

12/07/2006 10:12 PM  

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