Sunday, August 07, 2005


Bethany Word of the Entry: Nuttiernesses
Definition: Crazy People
Synonyms: Lunatics, Wierdos, Maniacs, GOOSES

Today I've been workin' with HTML... any day that is filled with HTML is a good day Image Hosted by Do you like my new cherry cursor? Image Hosted by Well, tonight we're hosting church at our house again.. so that will be fun... and I'm spending the night at this girl from my church's house... I'm HOPING to download Firefox on this computer soon.. Image Hosted by Image Hosted by Found that smiley when I was looking for some code for this blog... lol! Isn't it great? Image Hosted by Image Hosted by Image Hosted by Tomorrow I heard something about going out to lunch with some friends... I don't know if it's just moms or kids too, but I'm not sure if I can go.. since I am sleepin' at my friend's house tonight.. but I hope I can! Image Hosted by How do you like my puuuuuuuuuuurrrrfect Smilies? I got them here Image Hosted by Hope you like! I'm hoping to enable smilies on comments... that would be AWESOME... so anyways... I had better go, I got lots to do today! I'll ttyl.. thanks for reading! Image Hosted by Luv y'all all! <3 Image Hosted by

~Kitty-Smiley-Lovin' Goose~

2 Bananas:

Blogger Teia said...

that's really cute..i love it...comments and stuff is awesome..random not.. ;-) ttyl...lyl..teia

8/07/2005 4:25 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

thanks! :) --Miss Goosie~

8/07/2005 4:59 PM  

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