Friday, July 22, 2005

The Goofiness.....the giggles....

:D Just had to come on and blog about all the fun stuff w/ Jessica... well...
Last night: We played hide and go seek in the dark, and after that we watched a movie until about 11:40... fun stuff...
We got up at about 10 this was fun...we ate breakfast, and then I don't remember if we ate lunch before our call... ok it was HER IDEA!!! HER IDEA YA HEAR ME??? :D Well, we decided to call Daniel... SHE decided to call Daniel :P and.. I.. unfortunately had his number. HIS NUMBER AND the K's NUMBER. So... I get them mixed up... *giggles* and.. *giggles some more* WE CALLED K'S NUMBER!!!! Mrs. M answered... and... Jessica asked if Daniel was there, I almost giggled while she was talking on the phone cuz' I knew he wouldn't be there... but she had it on speaker phone. So of course D wasn't there, and we called his REAL phone number. :P It was so much fun! :D I couldn't stop giggling, I was literally rolling on the floor laughing. (ROTFL) I rolled off the bed once... I couldn't stop! I don't really know why it was so funny, I guess just the fact that we ACTUALLY called someone, out of the blue, all that stuff.. and the fact that it was Daniel... and all the stuff that was said... lol. She was asking him questions, and then she told me to ask him a question... lol... I had no idea... so I asked him 'Do you have a lamp in your room?' Very random, I know. So that was our fun fun phone call... lol I wanna do it again! It's so much fun to be a goofy giggly girl!! :D

And, after that I think we ate lunch, and looked at, then we went to swim... fun fun fun... *feels goofy and giggly* *starts laughing spontaneously* *DEEEEP BREATH* I'm ok.. I'm ok... ;) ANYHOO!!! LOL!!! I'm hyper! I really should stop seeing Jessica, see, this is what she does to me!! Hehe!! But I won't... just cuz'... I LIKE BEING GOOFY AND GIGGLY!! Anyways.. enough from me now...

~Goofy Giggly Goose!~

3 Bananas:

Blogger Teia said...

that sounds really funny and FUN....sounds like tons of fun...

7/24/2005 10:54 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

Yes it WAS!! It was so cool! I finally got over the goofy giggly hyperness late Saturday night, lol.... loooooong after I had gone home from Jessica's house....I WANNA DO IT AGAIN!!! lol... but I probably would never find the courage inside of me to do it by myself :P Anyhoo... lyl GiggleGoose! :D

~Miss Platypuss~

7/25/2005 11:14 AM  
Blogger Teia said...

i wouldn't either...but i would definitly do it with someone...that would be soooooo funny!! so yeah..right now i'm babysitting and have been since 730 and it's 344 right mom thinks that i have at least another hour and a half...and i babysit them for the rest of the week...not this long though!!!! ahhhhh!!! i need some ideas for games that i could play with kids ranging from 2-7 ....i have little siblings but geezaloo...they are kinda HIGH MATINANCE...or however that's spelled...but tired...and yeah...i must have been brainwashed...i really can't remember anything before saturday morning...! ahhh...not good...ok i should go check and see what the little dorkies are to you later...lyl...bye to you tonight...hopefully.. ;-)


7/25/2005 3:47 PM  

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