Thursday, August 04, 2005

I'm baaaa-aaaack! :D

Bethany Word of the Entry: Updation
Definition: updating; the act or process of bringing up-to-date
OH MY GOSH THAT'S ACTUALLY A WORD??? NOT COOL!!! :P Well anyhoo.. my blog has been need of some *updation* so here a' goes... Image Hosted by

You're fun and happiness and relief are over ;) I have come... MISS GOOSIE HAS COME!!!! She has come to tell you the things that are happening in her life... MWAHAHAHA!!!! Image Hosted by *GASP* SHE SAID GOOSIE!!! HOW EVIL!!!! Image Hosted by
Here's a conversation I had with my brother...
Me: That's a cool trash can!
Mike: *raises eybrows and gives me this look* Right. It's a COOL trash can.
Me: Wha-at?! It is! Go apoligize.
Mike: Right. Idiot trash can! Stupid trash can! Image Hosted by
Me: *talking to the trash can* it's ok. He didn't know! Just ignore him.
Mike: Idiot trash can!
Me: He's not liiiisteniiiing...
Mike: He.. *it* can't listen.

And I must blog about my driving experience thingy I had when I was driving with my instructor. Image Hosted by Well, I was pretty much at a stop, ready to turn right, just about to go... when suddenly a big truck came around and his back tires hit our front bumper! Then he ran off and we didn't get any info on him.. so my instructor got out and told me to switch seats with her, so she could drive...and she CHASED him. She was really mad... lol... And get this: she was stopped at a red light. Then, she looked around, and asked us if we saw a cop anywhere... and we didn't, so she hit the accelerator real hard....Image Hosted by AND she was talking on the cell phone while driving and everything! It was crazy! Sadly... after breaking all the rules, the driver got away. lol. ANYHOO. Oh! I took my test for Driver's Ed, the driving test, and passed with 98/100!! I was really excited!!! Image Hosted by ImageShack.usSo DE is OVER!!! WOOHOO!!!! Image Hosted by ImageShack.usImage Hosted by I can officially safely drive!!! :P Just gotta wait to get my license... Image Hosted by until next February, when I *GASP* TURN SIXTEEN! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO??? Oh, wait, I already know the answer to that question... INSANITY.... Image Hosted by I can't wait to turn 16 though! Fun stuff! Mama says that after I get my license, I'll be able to like (excuse my use of the word but I'm excited! Image Hosted by go out to eat with my friends and stuff- as in.. DRIVING to lunch n' stuff! Of course I can only have 1, hmm maybe 2, I can't remember.. but I can only have a minimal amount of friends in the car, because of the graduated license rule thingy.. but still! Can't wait! Image Hosted by
Ummm what else can I tell you? I HAD CHOCOLATEY CHOCOLATE CAKE TODAY!!! MMMMMMM!!!!!!!! Image Hosted by It was yum stuff. Image Hosted by ImageShack.usUhhhhhhh.... watched Alanna (3) today... she's a mess... Image Hosted by she's so fun to play with ;) very cute little girl ;)
I've been out of contacts since... Tuesday... I have to go two more weeks... and then I get regular soft contacts... in a way, I can't wait... I am SO looking forward to seeing better... but it will definitely be a big change, and quite an inconvenience... oh well.. I have to do it... Image Hosted by Lessee... what else... boring tomorrow... baby shower Saturday.. church Sunday, and SLUMBER PARTY SUNDAY!! WOOHOO!!! Can't wait!!!! Image Hosted by I haven't been to a slumber party.. since... well... it's been a few years I think! I've spent the night n' stuff.. but it's not quite the same...;) so that will be fun, I'm really looking forward to that...

I can never live without it
And I'm never going to doubt it
Everyday it's new, yeah
There's nothing any better
I'll be singing it forever
I worship you
~this has been my song the past few days... actually I thought it was 'I can never live without You, and I'm never going to doubt You' that's really my chorus ;) but anyhoo... Mercy Me is awesome... Image Hosted by (that song is 'I worship You' by MercyMe Image Hosted by

Well, I better let you go, I'm sure you're getting REAALLY tired of me, if you or anyone else even reads this thing ;) GIMME SOME LOVIN'S PEOPLE!!! Image Hosted by I WOULD BE SO HAPPY TO GET A COMMENT!!! Image Hosted by Eh.. I mean cookie ;) Image Hosted by Here, I'll even show you how:
See, at the bottom of this post, where it says 'Be the first to give me a cookie' or '500 new cookies given'? Image Hosted by Well, maybe not 500. Image Hosted by Click that. It will expand the comments... so you can see if anyone else left a comment.. and if there are comments you scroll to the bottom of them, and at the very end, before the next post, it says 'Give me a cookie'. Click that. On the right column, at the top it says 'Leave your comment' and under that is a box- click in the box. Type your comment, and then, you can either leave your comment under your name, or be anonymous. In the first case, you check the little circle for 'Other' and type your name in the box after it says 'Name' and you don't have to put a website if you don't want to. Or, you can just check the circle that says 'Anonymous'. Then, click 'Publish Your Comment' Image Hosted by Wa-la! You've just given me a comment-cookie! Image Hosted by ImageShack.usHope you enjoyed your stay in Commenthia!

And I'm off! see the wizard.. the WON-der-ful WIZ-ard of OOOOOOOZZZZZZZZZZZ..... :P See ya later! Hope you get to meet the Wizard of Oz too! Image Hosted by

~Dorothy Goose~
Who now ish inspired to go watch the Wizard of Oz, as she said she would do ;) n'quote: to see the wizard.. the wonderful wizard of oz

*wonders if anyone got that*
*wonders who read this whole post*

1 Bananas:

Blogger Teia said...

hey...i get it....the wizard thing..loved the thing...ok im tired...ttyl..lyl..teia

8/04/2005 11:58 PM  

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