Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Bethany Word of the Entry: Spazzicy
Definition: An adjective describing someone who's gone haywire. Or is going haywire.

Today... had art... Nancy missed me! lol! And... had driving time from 2-4... it was great.. I drove with Jack, he'w the coolest instructor! ;) log... and... I got the full hour!! WOOHOO!!! :D Tomorrow I think Hannah is coming over... and Thursday we gotses peoples comin' over.... fun stuff... and I don't remember if I told you, but I GOT A NEW SWIMSUIT!!! lol... I like it a lot.... ;) and... ummmm... I talked to Brennick yesterday! And Teia!! FUN PEOPLE!!!!! They are awesome to talk to! :D :D And... ummmm... and..and..and..gotta call Hannah tomorrow... and... ummmmm.... I been busy, I guessteses... just, doin' stuff, normal stuff like going to the grocery store and driving and stuff... mmmmm......... made and ate chocolate pudding cake tonight... it was gooooood.... and... ummm... OH! I tried something new with it... Mint Chocolate Chip Ice cream, it was great...aaaaaaand....ummmmmm..... I haven't been able to see well all day... I don't really know why.... my eyes keep trying to close, but I'm not tired... and it gives me a headache to read, even just.. lol... seriously, playing Solitaire... I have to squint to see what the cards are... gah.... and so, because of that, I'm actually somewhat happy about getting the contacts you wear in the day, verses these... though it won't be as convenient, I think it will be better...anyhoo... I'll stop talking now! heehee! So, thanks for reading, anyways... hopes y'alls comment n' stuff.. kinda.. down... I guess.. imagine that....

~Madame Goose~

2 Bananas:

Blogger Teia said...

sounds fun platypuss...you're a fun person to talk to too...wow...lots of "to"'s so yes...im gonna go now..ill talk to you soon....lyl..teia

7/27/2005 12:34 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

Heehee! Thanks! You're fun to talk to too :P girl! :D

~Madame Goose~

7/28/2005 5:49 PM  

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