Thursday, December 15, 2005



You will vanish. You got kidnapped, lost, whatever, you vanished. No one knows how you vanished. You're just part of one of those unsolved mysteries.
How will you die?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yep. That's right. I'm gonna vanish... oooooooo.... *dark scary music ensues* teeheehee.. actually I've always thought I'm going to get kidnapped someday. Not on purpose, of course :P
And here's another one:

You are hiding Fear. You're afraid something bad, or good, might happen. Maybe something bad, or good, already happened and you're afraid it will happen again. But, you don't want anyone to know. It might ruin your reputation, or you don't want to push it onto your friends or family. Try to tell someone. That always helps. I know how you feel tho, being afraid something kreepy is gonna pop up without your knowledge. I hate it. Try to overcome it if you can. If you can't, try talking to someone older that has overcome it themselves. I find that very helpful!

What are you hiding?

brought to you by Quizilla

Here's the next one up:

Eyes of Innocence - Your soul posesses Eyes of
Innocence. These eyes are often held by young
children and those who have a tendency to look
at the world sunny side up. You are a rather
serious person, though are capable of having
fun. You are most likely highly religious and
take pride in refusing to join the rest of the
world in what you percieve to be evil deeds.
You have a tendency to ignore that which is
dark in the world and only focus upon that
which is beautiful and good. Though most would
consider this a good philosophy to live by,
someday it will get you into trouble. You
believe in giving everyone a hundred chances
over and trust very easily. You've been taken
advantage of by those who love to prey on the
kind of heart, like yourself, but you have not
let it get you down just yet. You know some
people are bad, but you like to believe that no
soul is completely black, and you believe in
befriending even the most undesirable people.

What Type of Eyes Does Your Soul Have? (girls)(pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

I better stop :P Got history to do... fun stuff, right? And tonight I'm going to a Christmas party thingy...yep, that's right, so I won't be going crazy hyper at art.. but it will be fun...
an' tomorrow I'm goin' to Cara's sleepover!! WHOO!!! It's gonna be so much fun!
So yah, for all you peoples goin' to the Christmas party.. don't think I'll be there. Wanted to...
but Cara's party should be a lot of fun :)
so anyways...
I'm busy, got lotsa stuff comin' up, so I'd better get goin' now. I'm not gonna go crazy and ask for comments, I think you already know they make my day :P Wait, does that count as asking for comments? :P
Send me an email sometime! Saturday is reply-to-every-personal-email-day :D Yah, I'm not hinting at aaaaaaaaanything :P
Thanks for reading... luv y'all all! Buh-bye! Oh, and for those who wish to know... if I'm on tonight *scary mysterious music* it will most likely be at/after 5ish.. don't know when I'll be back from the party... and I'll most likely be In the Visi if I'm able.... yah... read between the lions. :P and of course I'll be able :P 'Nother time I might be on is after 9.. so yah.. not sure...hope to talk to you all soon :)
Until next time, hope I made your day.. hope I made it a Sunday... covered with lots of chocolate syrup and other numminess... and sprinkles :P can't forget sprinkles... and NOT Peeps...maybe marshmallows though :D Wait.. can braces peoples eat marshymallowyness? I know a lot of people who read my blog have braces..
So yah, that's a nice, long goodbye for ya :P Have a nice day.
Thank you, that is all.
~from the associates of Goosey Random Inc.

PS Mike's computer wrote a poem just now! :D Here it is:
Beginning dump of physical memory
Physical memory dump complete...
Mike turned off the computer before I could read the rest of it...but I think Mike's computer has a future career in poetry!
Mike was pressing keys, and I was reading, and on the screen it said "Stop"... :P It was under the technical... something..yah...anyways, don't you think Mike's computer is very poetic? :D

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