Monday, December 12, 2005

Yellow :)

My blog color should DEFINITELY be yellow.. yep... I took a different quiz a while back and it said yellow too :P Yep, I'm quizzin' right's the latest :)
And now I'm just trying to fill up space because my quiz thingy doesn't show up and I'll be random and peeps are fun to save and I had wild cherry pepsi this morning and fun fun fun and mike just showed me a watch and bla bla bla... *phew!* glad that's over with... :P I'm sure you are, too :P
Your Blog Should Be Yellow

You're a cheerful, upbeat blogger who tends to make everyone laugh.
You are a great storyteller, and the first to post the latest funny link.
You're also friendly and welcoming to everyone who comments on your blog.
What Color Should Your Blog or Journal Be?

and YESYESYESYESYES I LOVE COMMENTS!!! Please comment.... *makes Lucy face* Pr'ty Please? :D That was an awesome movie... :D Loved it...
Thanks RachelD for the comment! you're awesome! :D
So here's what I've been up to:
Saw Chronicles of Narnia and had party on Friday.
Saw Chronicles of Narnia and cruised the mall with Cara on Saturday.
Saw Hillbilly Christmas at Chelsea's church and went to church last night.
Walked the mall with Angela and quizzed this morning.
So ya..
Oh! And I wrote a poem on Friday. It was about butterflies.. and I kinda made it into a goes like this :) (if I can remember:P)
Flutter by, butterfly-y
Please come and say hello to me
Flutter by, butterfly
Entice me to the trance of harmony...

Let me gaze upon your wings
Your flight alone, to me it sings!
As you glide along the gentle breeze...

Flutter by, butterfly-y
As I gaze in awe and wonder
Flutter by, butterfly
My awe your loot and gaze your plunder
Flutter by, butterfly.

:)(: Anyways... tell me what you think...
And The Fiction Times is coming~ I'm just waiting for something from Rachel, and I have to put a few more things in it... then I can convert it to PDF and send it out :)
Comment, please! My comment box is there for you. Always. My comment box will never let you down! (and if it does, let me know, and I'll hit it with a bananer. :D)
So anyways, I gotta get to school... break next week! Yahoo! TTYL guys and girls and peoples :)
Thankles for reading :) You make my day...
Hope I make yours too :)
~da Goose

PS I took another candy quiz, and it said I was Reeses.... hmmm...

Reeses Peanut Butter Cups

Very popular, one of you is not enough.

3 Bananas:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, you've seen the Chronicles of Narnia TWICE ALREADY??? TWICE??

*is jealous*

Yellow is a fun color too. Myself, I think I'm partial to a purpley-red. Yep.

12/13/2005 8:07 AM  
Blogger The random, mysterious ones said...

If you give a mouse a cookie, he'll ask for a glass of seltzer with a twist of lime.

That is all.

12/13/2005 8:07 AM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

Thankles for the comments, y'all :)
Rachel D...:D yep... tiz an awesome movie... but seeing it on two consecutive days, well, kinda decreased the awesomeness of the second viewing... but it was still awesome. But it was definitely the coolest movie ever the first time :P
Purply red... like... crimson? or.. more like... burgundy? Pertyful colors...
the RMO...*GASP* DOES THE MOUSE HAVE HEART BURN? Poor little mousy...
On a side note... I have a question...are the random, mysterious ones Rachel D and Rachel E, I'm guessing? Or is it more complex then that...? :P
~Aqua Scum

12/13/2005 10:12 AM  

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