Sunday, November 20, 2005

Quick Quiz

Here's what a quiz said I am, along with the ones I think are the truest:
trait snapshot:
self revealing- yep, haha, posting this on my blog shows this one ;)
loves large parties- sorta... if I know everyone there, definitely
loud- uh! haha, jk... not sure what to think of that one...
social- yep
outgoing- yep
does not like social isolation-YES
social chameleon-huh? yes I think... didn't know I was a lizard :P
always busy-definitely, unfortunately
likes to fit in-somewhat, with my friends, yes. But only to an extent.
likes to stand out-haha, yah
enjoys leadership-YES I am a follower :P
brutally honest- ABSOLUTELY haha, if I have ever said something to you that was really mean, but true, sorry! It's just my personality!
desires attention-honestly, yah...
dominant-DOMINANT? huh? where'd you get that idea? :P though I can be kinda individualistic :P or whatever that word is... ;P
aggressive-haha, yes, at times :P though sometimes not at all
attachment prone-OH YES. I get easily obsessed with things. I like to attach to a single person...
wants to be understood-oh yah, def'nitely
realistic-heh..heh.heh.heh..that's funny. :P Maybe I am, though..
ANyWayS that was really random but oh well don't worry about commenting on this one. But I'd really love comments on the last one :P
~Miss Goosey~

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