Sunday, December 18, 2005


Tigger pen! Tigger pen! Tigger pen! WOO!!
Do the Tigger pen chant with me!
Tigger pen! Tigger pen! Tigger pen! WOO!!
And no, I did not use copy and paste to do that. :P
Check out my aaaaaaaaaawesome new Tigger pen! Isn't it cool? It even has my name on it! Well, if you're looking at it and your name is Roo/Katie, anyways. SEEEEEE??? Wait, you can't, I couldn't get a good pic of it... well it says Tigger in really pretty letters...
so yah...
Today, was, a very up-and-downy-ish day. Thanks to Kennedy it wasn't just a downy-ish day :P but I still had my yah...pray for me, yous guys :)
I heard a song today, the main part of it is "And God said 'Let there be light'". I think it must've been the Holy Spirit... God always knows just how to put a little bit of light in your day. And I think today He did that through Kennedy, and I am so grateful. So that's my heartfelt thanks :)
I had a headache earlier, it went away too... ah, it's so good to see God working...
"Aslan is on the move" :P isn't that the truth...
Wow, this post started out really crazy and random, but I just had to show my serious side, just a leeeeeetle bit :P Sorry if I get on here and bring you down with some of my sad/mad posts... I *seriously* need to start keeping a journal.. instead of just saying it all online :P
Oh, and for those who read this for the sugar updates, I made an apple pie today... it turned out perty good :P Peoples liked it... (at church)...
What Christmas carol are you?

You are 'Deck the Halls'. Optimistic, you enjoy singing and making people smile.
brought to you by Quizilla

Hey... I made a quiz...'nother one..."Which Christmas Carol Are You?" yah, tell me what you turned out to be, and what you thought :) I kinda did it for this project I'm working on, for next Christmas... yes, I'm making *ANOTHER* website... but it should be cool... Christmas stuff.. I'm thinking about calling it the Crazy Igloo..with Zilly the penguin as the mascot... anyhoo, I'll post a link up here when I'm finished :P which will probably be awhile... ;)

Anyways, hope you all have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! And I *guess* you can have happy holidays, if you have a merry Christmas. Oh, maybe I should change my quiz to "What holiday carol are you?" and one of the results to... "Oh Holiday Tree"... :P sorry, just had to blog about that... I been itchin'... oh! y'all never did my Christmas challenge!
Or maybe you didn't read that entry... or maybe nobody reads my blog... *wonders if anyone even cares about her blog anymore*
Post ends all-of-a-sudden due to crazy attack monkeys, who are now vandalizing Bethany's room and squirting all toothpaste into trash cans so when Bethany wakes up tomorrow morning, and finds there is no toothpaste, she will go bizerk and raid grocery stores like an insane person. Oh wait, we are insane people.
~Miss Goosey
...the 'we'....

2 Bananas:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes!! Your blog is still read. So abandon it not! :P

Glad you got uncranked on Sunday. :P


12/21/2005 9:18 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

*smiles* YAY!!! Blog=read & commented on...=mucho bueno! :D
Yes, as am I... mucho glado :P
Who, because of a very persistent typo, just left it and became the goosey grill. :D

12/22/2005 10:28 PM  

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