Friday, November 18, 2005

So fun!

I had sooooooooo much fun tonight! It was great! I'm having fun withdrawal, candy withdrawal, happiness withdrawal... :P I haven't had that much fun in a long time!
Ok, ok, I'll teeeeeeellllllll you what all happened. But first, haha, RachelE, read your blog, and that is such a cool idea, the "Blogger wants" :P So I decided to try it! I typed in "Bethany wants" in quotation marks, and here's the first 10 that came up:
Bethany wants feedback on future Town Council questionnaires
Bethany wants to relate biblical Christianity to every area of life
Bethany wants Linda and Bob to break up. (LINDA AND BOB!!! You better break up or I'll.. I'll.. throw candy at you!:P)
Bethany wants to have 2nd class RNS Nurses picketing Bethany Care long-term facility in Calgary.
Bethany wants to provide you with a clear direction for growing deeper in your faith; personal guidance and encouragement for your spiritual journey;
Bethany wants to provide the best service to families.
BETHANY wants a live-out job to start between Mar-05 and May-05 for 12 months in United States.
Bethany wants to be beautiful.
Bethany wants me to cuddle on the couch and watch movies with her.
Bethany wants to work with community arts programs, providing opportunities for people in the community to actively do and create art.
Wow, I sound like a really nice person! :P Well, except for the whole wanting Linda & Bob to break up... *frowns* Haha... I wonder... who is this I want to cuddle with on the couch? :P Most likely Meowser. OR a teddy bear. Bethany loves teddy bears. :P
Now! More randomness! Because Bethany is bored, Bethany will now proceed to talk in third person and try "Bethany loves" on Google and post the first three good ones :P Even more fun, let's go with the first three true ones...random facts about Bethany here...
Bethany loves I Dream Of Jeanie.
Bethany loves to work with rustic or country settings that give a space the feeling of a cozy mountain cabin or sea shore retreat
Bethany loves the kittens too.

:D Yay! That was fun!
Ok, now for talk of tonight. So fun. Loved it. Best night I've had in too long!
WELL it started out at Target. I was looking for a bday gift... kinda just out of it... I have been so out of ideas tonight... bad night to be out of ideas :P Well, I was out of *good* ideas anyways :P But you must admit, the candy was a good idea. Ok, abstract sentence, much fix...
So I was at Target. OK, sorry, gotta finish this story later and leave ya hangin'! Gotta go to bed!
But, for sake of randomness, and partial seriousness, (GASP!!! Bethany's being serious! Everyone huddle around!) well... I got Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Don't even know if I spelled that right... but see, it's where if you do strenuous things with your fingers, like typing really fast (like I am now) or playing really hard piano pieces... my fingers start hurting. Then my arms start hurting. It travels to my back and shoulder, and so my back and shoulder start burning. Like right now. I think it has to do with the tendons in your arm or something. Anyways. Pray for me! I don't want to quit playing piano and typing! And I reeeeeeeeaaaaally wanted to start Rhapsody In Blue too!
I better stop, before my shoulder gets any worse! I'll tell you the rest of the story of tonight laterz! Got bday party tomorrow morning... gotta get up! So yah! Pray me... I'll pray you too! Comments make me just about as happy as candy :D
Luv y'all all lots and lots!
~Miss Goosey~
Who wished that tonight as it was could've never ended....:)(:

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