Friday, January 19, 2007

Garlic Bread

The other night, I had a rather interesting dream. I say it was interesting, because, well, it revolved, mostly, around garlic bread, and how much I like garlic bread.

To help you better understand why I had such a random dream (besides that fact that I am a crazy lunatic) I will give you a glimpse at that week, coming up to the night I had the dream. That night, I went to Olive Garden for dinner- and I love their breadsticks. I wouldn't call it garlic bread, but it gets me thinking about garlic bread. While eating a breadstick, I thought about how good they would taste if they were drenched in butter, and maybe some garlic. The next day, I ate Subway for lunch, and I remember wondering if garlic bread would taste good instead of the bread I usually choose. I also thought about how it seems kind of weird to put vinegar and olive oil on your sandwich, even though I always do. The following night, we had shrimp scampi for dinner, which is basically shrimp in a garlic-butter mixture (with some other spices). I offered some to my cat, and my mom warned me that he would have garlic breath. Now, put all those details together, and somehow, I came up with this dream.

I was with some acquaintances, when I decided I wanted to make some garlic bread. So I went into the kitchen, prepared some butter... drizzled it over the bread, then started sprinkling spices on the bread... when my friend tells me she doesn't like garlic or butter on her bread. She said I should put vinegar and olive oil on the bread instead. I was thinking, “Vinegar..? That doesn't sound right.” But I did not doubt the reality of the situation (ie I did not stop to think I might be dreaming) but just continued to make the bread, because I really wanted some garlic bread. I said I thought the garlic and butter tasted good, and stood up for my food. My friend started to warn me, that I would get garlic breath if I ate the bread. She kept insisting that she hated garlic and butter on her bread, but I kept making the bread, because I was determined to have my garlic bread. Eventually, my bread was finished, but I think that's where my dream finished.

This dream goes to show that with determination, you can do anything. Even make garlic bread. And that everyday things you do may affect how you dream.


This was the narrative essay I had to write for school. I figured, hey! It doubles as a blogpost, so why not? Hope you enjoyed it...if you read it ;)


3 Bananas:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Garlic bread rocks!

3/26/2007 6:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh bother, now I feel like I have invaded your privacy. I only read the one about garlic bread.

3/26/2007 6:30 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

lol! what do you mean?
you're online right now!
I'm online right now!!
~the tired one~

3/26/2007 6:32 PM  

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