Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Good news!

For those who were in prayer about the whole thing with my eyes... THANK YOU!!! :D Well... so I went to the eye doctor today... and he was telling us about the options, and he said that I could do extended wear! I was so happy! I have to do the hard contacts, but still... I don't have to take them out/put them in every morning/evening! YAY!! :D I should be getting them within a week, so maybe by this weekend I'll be able to see/drive/play solitaire again! Lol... *has to squint to see the solitaire cards* Anyhoo...gah I'm bored... and this post has taken forever! Well tomorrow... I'm... not.. doing anything.. and... ummmmmm... oh! This weekend I have an art contest... fun stuff... anyhoo I'll post more laterz! Bye... luv y'all all! :) <3

~Goosey Goose~

2 Bananas:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You wear contacts? I didn't know that! Yay for getting your new ones! Hopefully they come soon.

Rachel D

8/19/2005 9:39 AM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

Yep! I hope they come soon too... they still haven't come yet! :( But that means I'm getting closer to getting them, lol... there's a bright side for just about everything ;) I'm perty excited about it though.. :)

8/19/2005 12:54 PM  

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