Friday, August 12, 2005

MY BREAKFAST~and~my awesome day ahead :P

Lol, guess what I had for breakfast! Here's the menu:
Chocolate Milk
Withered Grapes
And I just finished lunch... and.. I'm bored maybe I can make a new set of smileys or something ATTACK OF THE SMILEYS!! ..anyhoo, lessee... got Daniel coming over in a little bit, then tonight at 5 is Mike's karate thing, and at 7 is the thing at Daniel's church... REALLY looking forward to that one! ..and... tomorrow... bla... and.. lots more bla lol I need to call Jessica! Then I can get hyperhyperhyper! and..ummmm... hm....been doing some evil planning lately, heehee... planning school stuff so.. I guess I'll have more to talk about tonight after everything happens, so I'll see you then! Luv ya! <3


>>edit 9:24 pm Friday
"Welcome to zee Freeench Cafeh, vhat vill you be orzering toozay?"
"Um, I'll take a bowl of jello."
lol... long story.. quote by me as of tonight... wowee is there a lot to say! Perhaps I'll come back tomorrow Nah, I wouldn't do that to you, leave you hangin' like that... well... we went to the karate thing, and the guys were playing the 20 questions game computer thing, and one of them did 'jello' and it asked if you buy it... so the above quote was what I said ANYHOO!! Wow! That wasn't such a long story anyways! OH GUESS WHAT!!! I got Mike and Daniel to jump in the bounce house with me! WOOHOO!!!! Timothy was trying to make them think it was stupid... grrs! But I got them to do it. And I OF COURSE did it lol why wouldn't I? It was fun bumping my head on the top part over and over again. And... after that... we went to the thingy at Daniel's church.. that was lotsa fun! I got to see Cara and Stephanie and Angela!! WOOHOO!!!! Not to mention COUNTLESS other peoples whom went to camp with me. And of course there's Kennedy ..So... that was fun... played games... etc... and.. umm... now I'm home, of course reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaally hoping Teia or Brennick or Kennedy will come on... though I doubt at least that Kennedy will.. maybe Brennick will after 10.. hmmmm.... anyhoo y'all will prolly read this tomorrow, so IM me peoples! Thanks for reading! HI RACHEL D AND TEIA AND KENNEDY AND STEPHANIE AND GRACE AND ALLY AND ANY OTHER PEOPLE WHO READ THIS BLOG!!! If you are not on this list, it's because you haven't commented and I have no way of knowing you read this blog I still love you though. Even though I hate you. For never ever commenting. I still love you. lol j/k... Luv y'all all!<3

~Muddy Goose!~
Who got called the Muddy Goose tonight!! WOOHOO!!!

2 Bananas:

Blogger Teia said...

HEY! BETHANY! GUESS WHAT??? i'm talking to you right yeah...ok talk to you later... teia

8/14/2005 12:00 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

us and our awesome conversations ;)


8/14/2005 12:06 PM  

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