Sunday, August 14, 2005


Bethany-word of the Entry: Eti
Defintion: Edit

...for Meowser :D It's *DUNDUHDUN* BoogerFace!! :D "You've got a *cute* little Booger face!" *softly pinches kitty's cheeks*

Well, right now I'm taking out my aggressions on a bag of tortilla chips. Not that I have any at the moment... life is good ;) I have a banana cake in the oven.. yum stuff... the batter tastes SO good... :P I can't wait to try the cake! And.. I've come up with a compromise, for the frosting, lol.. K-man wants me to put lots of frosting on the cake.. but... I think.. I might put lots of whipped cream on top.. yah I think that will be good. With a bit of Vanilla Butter & Nut flavoring.. mmm that stuff is so good.. it tastes just like frosting! YUMMINESS!! ;) Anyhoo.. I better get back to the kitchen, I may post a bit more laterz... and change my smileys, heehee.. luv y'all all! <3 ttyl! Thanks for reading!

~Goosey in the Kitchen~

>>eti 3:39 Sunday
I'M HOME ALONE!! WOOHOO!! TIME TO GO CRAZY CRAZY HYPERHYPERHYPER!!! :D I have some cooking duties to attend to... and I have to shower and clean my room.. but the parent types and the brother type are off to go eat! They are bringing me back something... *takes a deep breath* It's so nice to be by myself!! :) Well.. what more can I tell you.. well I went to see Sky High yesterday, that was pretty good.. and.. I have a new plan, heehee. I don't rememember if I told you.. but.. I got extra fried rice yesterday for lunch.. which I am going to save and eat for breakfast this week! Aren't you proud of me? I'm going to eat breakfast! :P And.. umm... HYPER SPAZ ATTACK!!! Eeky.. I have lots to do... perhaps I should go now.. just wanted to show you how hyper I am, heehee! :D lol... anyhoo.. luv ya lots! <3


3 Bananas:

Blogger Teia said...

sounds fun..tlak to you tonight.. ;-) teia

8/15/2005 1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's probably not a good idea to say that you're home alone on your blog. You never know who could be reading it...

And on a lighter note, how do you shower you room? :P

Agent Delta

8/16/2005 9:37 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

Oh my goodness, I didn't think about that! Thanks! << will not do that again

Uh... you.. umm... good question! *wonders* ummm no pun intended, of course (on the shower and clean my room) :P *can't believe she didn't notice that* ;)

~Miss Goose~

8/17/2005 10:51 AM  

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