Tuesday, August 23, 2005


HAPPY!! Ok, enough of that. I'm happy... I can see now.. got my contacts today. :) :D It's sooooooooooooo much clearer... and.. let's see.. what else is going on... well we went out to lunch w/ the Hines's.. and Connie... and... ummm.. don't guess we're going to laser tag..... and tomorrow is my first babysitting job! WOOHOO!!! So, pray for me peoples... don't know how that's gonna go! Hopefully well though! It's two kids, a boy and a girl, 1st & pre-k... so that should keep me busy :D Really lookin' forward to that... the first time I've spent any great amount of time with little kids in quite awhile.. and yesterday we had our first piano lesson for the fall.. which went ok, except I couldn't see and she kept wanting me to play pieces, and some of them it was sight-reading, so I reeeeeeaaaaally couldn't do it. I don't think I made a very good impression on her, I feel like she maybe doesn't think I can play as well as I can/could... but hey, I've always got next week... I think she has this impression that I'm pretty slow learning, but with piano, if I get into the piece then I can't stand going hands apart for more then a day or so. Maybe more, if it's a hard piece, but generally under a week unless I have to. Anyways. That's piano... really wish it coulda started next week as opposed to this week! I couldn't even hardly remember my last big-favorite piece! (called Barnyard Blues) But maybe she'll let me try again next week. I dunno. Whatever. ;)
Well I better get going, mom wants me to go with her to get a rotisseree (sp?) chicken with her, so until we meet again.. happy trails! :) I'll ttyl, luv y'all all! <3 I'll edit later perhaps ;)

*sings* I can see clearly now the blur is gone... I can see all obstacles in my way... :D

~Happy-blur-free-goose~ :D

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