Saturday, August 20, 2005

My song

Bethany word of the entry: Thateroonillama
Definition: That

Bethany started to write a song! LOL!! YAY!!! It's called '747' Here's the lyrics:
there was a...
Chorus:Seven forty seven in my backyard,
I tried to move it but it was too hard!
It crashed back there when I wasn't lookin'..
An' now I think it's a' gonna start cookin'..
Seven forty seven on my back porch,
I tried to move it but it was too scorched!
It crashed back there when I wasn't lookin'..
An' now I think it's a' gonna start cookin'..up the town :D

I done saw it flyin' in the blue,
I had no idea it would sink so soon
Yes it crashed like the Titanic ship
It flew like an eagle and fell... like a paperclip
it was a..

Now I was just a' mowin' away...
When I done saw it was in my way
I couldn't mow my lawn no more,
But my lawn probably burned... to the inner core
because a..

That's what Bethany has so far on her redneck song :P She was... frustrated this evening, but she's over that now. She ate the rest of her cheesecake. Cheesecake goooooooooooooooooood. Cheesecake make Bethany haaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy... yeeeeesss... very happy. And hyper. She make redneck songs about crashing planes. :P Just don't ask her to sing them/it...;)
Bethany helped Meowser (her owner, besides me:P) make a blog. Here it is: :) Let's see, what can I say about Bethany... well she entered an art contest yesterday (she's gonna find out about that tomorrow) and... she hopes to soon get her new contacts... and tomorrow she's going to her cousin's birthday party.. and..and..ummm... I've started her on this new schedule thing, but she's not following it very well ;) I'm just trying to prepare her fot the school year though!!! :D Ummm... what else... oh, oh yes, she would like to tell a story (this happened yesterday, on the way to Arlington)
"Geek Spud"
Well my mom, brother and I were on our way over to Arlington yesterday, when Mike spotted a 'Geek Squad' slug bug. He said 'Ooo! I want one of those' or something of the like, and said it was a Geek Squad car. Now, I haven't been able to see for over two weeks (been out of my contacts) and my vision is literally 20/400... so I couldn't SEE the writing on the side of the car... and I guess I couldn't hear well, either, I suppose, because he kept saying 'Geek Squad' and I couldn't figure out what the last word was. I thought he kept saying 'Geek Spud' lol.. like the potato... and I was thinking "Now Bethany that can't be right.. I mean who would go around in a car that said 'Geek Spud' on the side of it.. it just has no purpose!" So I kept asking him if he was saying 'Geek Spud' and he kept saying yes, and finally I either saw the car or heard him right and figured out what he was saying... lol... anyhoo.. that's my story of the day :D
And.. umm.. she has a movie she's going to watch tonight, so if she's not here it's probably cuz' she's watching it. I won't be here either, as I will most likely get off the computer as soon as I'm done with this blog entry. She's been having this kooky wierd scarededness of night..she thinks there's peoples in the house or something. I say she's crazy and delusional.. because she is ;) "There's nobody outside your window or in our room or anything, go back to sleep silly." I mean how can someone get into our room when the door and windows are closed. o.0 Anyways... well I better go now I'll ttyl! Laterz


3 Bananas:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

DO you think you could adapt the 747 song to be about an Airbus? Because 747s are really good planes, and Airbuses aren't, IMHO, and probably also IME. Don't take it personally, or get offended or feel like you have to change it or anything. I just needed to get that out of my system. :D

Agent Delta

9/03/2005 6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a cool song, just as it is too. Too bad you didn't come up with it when we were still doing guitar. :P

Agent Delta

9/03/2005 6:06 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

*sniff* you don't like my song? *cries* lol, just kidding...
Silly. :P Of course I can change it ;) But airbus doesn't really fit, it doesn't have the same amount of syllables... so if you could find an airplane you don't like that has closer to the same amount of syllables.. than perhaps I can change it :) *wonders* what does IME stand for?
You are a silly goose. Just had to get that out of my system ;) *smiles* I shoulda known not to mess with 747's... lol.. but the idea for the song, it semi came from that song about Christmas and a 747 and Grandma, I don't remember what it's called... maybe it wasn't about Christmas...anyways...
Thankles, glad you like it! I thought you might.. yah that does stink that I didn't come up with it while we were still doing guitar...:) it would work perfectly, I think.. it's kinda a country song ;)

~Redneck Goosey

9/04/2005 11:11 AM  

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