Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Stupid McDonalds.

Bethany-Word of the Entry: Coo
Definition: Cool

Me like salt. McDonalds no salt fries as much anymore. Mickey D's baaaaaad... Mikey D's almost makes me have to use KETCHUP on my fries. What an abomination.
Ok, so.. went to babysit today.. that was soooo much fun. O-Mi-Gosh, Agent Delta, you will be so delighted when you hear what Junorima and the kids did with the teddy bears. Good thing it wasn't her idea.
This is going to be a quick entry for now, since I have so many stories and for some reason am feeling like I have very little time. Even though I have nothing to do for the next.. oh.. 45 minutes... and I am free... well here's what's up:
I am going to church with Katie tonight! Woohoo! It's gonna be fun! So.. well.. that means I will be offline the next... 3 nights, since Thursday is painting and Friday is the youth hangout at Daniel's church. I have somethin Saturday too, I think. It's a surprise. :P (not for me, for someone else;) Now I highly doubt that it would get back to this person through the blog, since.. well.. I don't think they/anyone they really know reads the blog, or maybe they don't even KNOW about it, but still, best to be safe about it ;) I'll tell ya later. And.. umm.. so... tomorrow I don't have too much stuff.. just art tomorrow night. Then Friday is programming and the youth thingy.
I made a confused mistake today... gosh am I stupid ;) :P well.. I downloaded this GoogleIM thingy... and... I was just trying to add a buddy for goodness sakes! Why don't they tell you that they put everyone in your address book into your buddylist anyways? lol.. so I sent a couple peoples invites... you know who you are :P So that's Bethany's stupidity of the day. :P Poor confused little goose...
Ok, I'm gonna go, then come back and then edit. lol. With the next.. oh.. 30 minutes. It will relieve my stress. lol. The only thing I have to do other then this is eat for goodness sakes! Well, that and just make sure I have everything for tonight. But it will make me feel better. ;) Not feel better as in I'm sad, I just feel like I have a lot to do and I don't... ok I'm going to go now so I'll have more time to come back. :D lol.. well I'll ttyl...luv y'all all! Sorry I won't get to talk for awhile :) Maybe I'll be able to tonight, depends on when church ends.. anyhoo.. byes!

~Confused Goose~

>>>eti 5:11
See I told you so. Don't have much time though, til about 5:30, so...
Well, let's see. I told you about my upcoming stuff so now maybe I can tell you about today. Well, went to babysit of course- woke up at *7* aren't you proud of me? ;D And.. well.. that went great. The kids were good, soo cute, and showed me everything, we had a lot of fun. When I left the little girl said she didn't want me to leave.. heehee.. she didn't quite understand it ;) They had breakfast.. and we ate some kiwi.. and we jumped on the trampoline n' stuff :) So that was that I guess.. gosh I'm really.. nervous or something.. like I have to get going but I don't! Maybe I'll blog later. Well I'll tell you more about everything tomorrow. :) TTYL, and I wuv you vewy vewy muchestheses! :D Hope you have a GREAT evening tonight, filled with delight and fun and happiness and nice little bunnies and kitties and rainbows. :D Grace and Peace. ;)

~Edgy Goose~
Who doesn't feel.. quite well..

3 Bananas:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Google does tell you that they add your address book to your buddy list. You just have to read the FAQ's, like I did. :P

Agent Delta

8/24/2005 10:12 PM  
Blogger Teia said...

delta...not everyone is gonna read the FAQ's..ok?...i'm just kidding..ok...well platypuss...that sounds really fun...ok..well i better go and finish up talking to you.. ;-)

8/25/2005 4:52 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

Yep, I know. << doesn't read FAQ's or instruction books or anything of the like very often :P Hey, maybe that's why I can't ever get anything to work... ;) lol.. j/k :D

But Teia, the FAQ's are like, so totally popular!! :D
<< ish being wierd again
Ok if I do that again.. just.. hit me :P Or- it may be in Delta's preference to.. throw a ball at me :D :D :D lol.. that was soo much fun.. ok I have to go start a blog entry about all that :)


8/26/2005 10:01 PM  

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