Friday, September 02, 2005

I know, I know...

I need to update! I can't just leave y'all hangin! It's been a week.. wow... I think this is a new record ;) And I probably won't be able to blog much once school starts either. Anyways, let's see.. what's been goin' on... :) Well, Tuesday we went to karate and then went out to eat with the Hines and Meiers... and two other ladies... ummm.. I saw Angela! heehee... and...then.. the next day I went to church with Katie.. and I was sooo stupid! Oh my goodness graciouses! Ok, so I wanted to show her this thing I made (yet to be revealed) for Mrs. Meier for her birthday. (Kennedy, if you are reading this you better not tell!:D) So I left it in the car whilst we went to church. Then, I came out, and it was gone! Lol, jk. It wasn't gone. ;) It wasn't THAT bad, and besides, that doesn't hardly involve much of my stupidity, and I told you I did something really stupid. :P So I was GOING to give it to her the next day (which was yesterday, Thursday, at science class) I knew this, but it was kinda.. in the back of my mind at the time, because I had soooooooo much to think about and I was talking to Katie a lot, so my mind was fully engaged in other things. So she dropped me off, and I got out of the car with my purse, and I kept thinking I left something, but I, in my utter foolishness, convinced myself 'No, no no, Bethany, you didn't leave anything! What is there to leave? You have your purse, isn't that all you brought with you?' So Katie walked me up to the door and I was still fully engaged in many different thoughts, I had a LOT to do. It was overwhelming, heehee... I was perty stressed out. She dropped me off about... 9:...30? or 40? about? PM, of course ;) So I was busy busy busy... and didn't have much time to get on IM, btw, I was making flyers and such. I did get on, maybe a few times, and I tried 10 or after, but nobody was there. So I finally was going to bed, after making the flyers and printing them out and such... it was 10:39... so I thought I'd get the thingy I made for Mrs. M out and add a few finishing touches to it. So I looked around my purse, which is where I would've left it if I had brought it in with me, but it wasn't there! I freaked out! It was then that I realized I had left it in Katie's car. I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mad at myself. o.0 n'quote: "BETHANY!! You are so stupid! How can you be so stupid? YOU ARE SO STUPID!!" This went on for quite some time ;) *sigh* Why did God create feeble minds anyways? I guess it shows how smart God is and how stupid I am ;) Praise the Lord that my life isn't in my hands, I'd mess it up in a heartbeat ;)
Anyways. That was Wednesday. So Thursday.. well... lessee... I went to class... that was.. um... ok ;) I am still trying to get some of the stuff :P but I'm sure it will come to me. I really need to work on my homework so I can get it done before school starts! :) As for details, for those of you who wish to know, I sat with Jacob M and did lab with him, Kennedy and Josh. *smiles* I'm so glad I got a super-smart group ;) I could've really messed up... if it weren't for being with them :P Nerds are awesome ;) AND I AM ONE OF THEM I TELL YOU!! I AM A NERD!!! SO THERE!! :D Wait, wait, now I'm not saying I'm awesome, I'm saying other nerds are awesome, but I am saying I am a nerd. Because I am. I'm just a not-awesome nerd. :P :D lol.. anyways... onto other things :P
Well, I went to art last night and started a picture for the stock show. It's going to be so cute! :D I really like the pictures I'm using... yes I said picture(s) with the 's'... I'm putting different pictures together into on picture. :) It's a horse- I'm going to put 2 girls on the horse, and I'm adding snow... so I can maybe use it for our christmas painting this year too ;) and on the ground are these two little dogs- I'm sooo happy! I get to put puppies in my stock show painting!! WOOHOO!!! Life is good. :P So that was painting...
Today, I've got lots to do... o.0 and my grandparents are coming down today, so that will be fun. I hope mom, grandma and I go garage-sailing (no, we aren't going to go boating on top of garages:P) tomorrow, it's been a bit of a tradition.. I love it. I always find lots of neat little useful things, (and not so useful:P) and sometimes my mom and grandma buy them :) But even if they don't, it's still fun ;) I can't wait!
Also tonight- I may be going to a football game with my fwen-fwen, which would be *awesome*... we'll see about that :)
*yawns* Meowser woke me up this morning, heehee.. at about 9:30.. (yes, I know, that's pretty late for some of you;) he had me turn on his music, and then leave... "Your services are no longer needed here. Thank you." :D lol.. he's so funny.. and SO spoiled :P Anyways.. I guess I'll ttyl, if I disappear for awhile, worry not! I'm starting school next Tuesday! lol, it almost sounds like I'm excited.. I'm kinda nervous though, this year is going to be hard.. pray me! :D I'll pray you too! :D Luv y'all all <3 grace and peace to you :)

~Busy B~

2 Bananas:

Blogger Rachel E. said...

Since you were so very kind to read my extremely long post in my blog, I read yours and wrote a comment! Woo!!! Yay for long posts!!!

What class are you talking about? Science? Llamas 101? History of Coffee Beans? ;-)

Weeeeeellll...I have to go and feed my kitties. One of these days I'm going to try that stuff out for myself. They seem to think it's delicious, and it's chicken flavored...So if it tastes like chicken, how can it not be good??


~ Rachel E

9/03/2005 8:54 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

:D Thankles! Yes! Long posts= awesome! ;)

Yes, it was science. Physics to be exact ;)

Hmmm, you may be right! Not that I am involved in a pursual your aspiration. :D

9/04/2005 11:20 AM  

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