Saturday, September 24, 2005

Interesting day...

"Y'all ready for this?" (I am, of course, listening to my funky music. :P) Of course you couldn't be ready, you won't know what hit you... oh wait, Junorima did, nevermind. Yah, about that... please don't sue her! She's really a nice.. oh.. wait.. um... she's really a.. uh... lovely?...girl? yes of course she's a girl, but other than that, I really don't know!
Haha, if you ask me, "How are you?" I'd give you this *list*:
And at times, bugged, annoyed, fed up, and many other things. *sigh* Life... you just can't run away, can you? Right now, though, I suppose you can say I feel fuuuunky :P You know what that means. "Over the river and through the woods... to the looney bin we go!! WHOO!!"
*bobs head*
Ok enough enough enough! Bethany will you quit being so random and crazy? "No." FINE!! You be random! You'll come back and tell me I was right, you will, you WILL!!!! "All I have to say is: Craziness makes the world go round!" :D
Sorry, family conversation. :P Ignore my delirious alter-ego. She's just jealous. Ya know why? "Cuz' I feeeee--eel good, I knew that I would now! So good, so good, I got YOU!!" yes, you, mwahaha, my precious readers. I do love you. :P You make me 'Fe-ee-eel good!'
Well, let's see... yesterday, crazy craziness... where to start? Stressed, as I said I was, that was referring to school. Busy, well, now that just might take a book to write about! But I'll try. For you. :D See I really do love you. :D My actions back me up! whoo!
What did they put in that Dr Pepper, Bethany? You act strange. "And that surprises you, or contradicts my normal behaviour hooooowwww exactly?" :D Ok enough family conversations! Back to blogging! Oh, wait, that's what I was doing. Sorry! I don't know what for but I'm sooooooooo sooo sorry! :D *bobs head*
Soo good! So good! I got you!
AHEM!!! "A hen? where?" BETHANY GET BACK TO YOUR BLOG ENTRY!! "Oh, oh, sorry. Oh! So that's what I was sorry for! Ah-ha!"
Oh yah, I was going to tell you about my business. At this rate, I may not even get to 3 o clock yesterday. :P But we'll see...
How's a timeline for ya? Well you probably won't read it so I'll just ramble on and you can read that. :P WELL yesterday we got a call from my Granny at about 12 noon, and long story short she asked if she could bring my little cousin, Kaleigh, whom she was originally watching, over to our house. She is a little cutie pie! Well, I mean, pies aren't cute, but if she was a pie she'd be the cutest one around! :D
Wow, I had no idea I was back to my normal state of normalness. Or wierdness. Or normal wierdness. Well whatever it is, "I feee-e-eel good!"
I think it's this gettin' funky... this must be really good for me or something! It has health benefits! lol.
Ok, I'm going to get going so you won't have to read this and read this and read this and eventually get tired of reading it! :D
Ah yes, so my Granny brought Kaleigh over at umm do you call it mid-noon? Noon:30? lol... 12:30... but not mid-midnight, nonono...eek I'm doing it again! lol. Of course if you didn't like it when I kept rambling on, you probably wouldn't keep coming back to my blog. But whatever. :P
So at 1 clockers we had speech, which lasted until 2:30, I think. OH!! SIDE NOTE!! Really random, but I have been experimenting with making hot cocoa lately! It's really yummy! Well, I mean, if I am allowed to say that. :P I am trying to make special flavors, maybe to sell someday, like *gourmet* hot chocolate :D Like goumet coffee, only, hot cocoa! So far I have: Minty Madness, Triple C (my chocolate chip cookie flavor), and Warm Holidays. It's been pretty fun. :D If you live in Texas, I might just force you to try some :D This be a warning to you: Move to Arkansas. Fast. :P
So we had speech, then we had art at the Marley's, fun stuff... and I rode home with the Gregory's, and as SOON as I got home, we had to leave. I just went into my room, and I had been there less than 5 minutes and then dad called out and said we had to leave. So we went to eat, then headed over to the church, Ridglea... for the concert. That was...interesting. Well my brother and I were the only youth-type-people -yes I did say ONLY-who went. It was fun though. Umm, the people playing there: 4th Avenue Jones, Dizmus, Hawk Nelson (they were awesome and my definite favorite!) and Thousand Foot Krutch (TFK of course.) Haha, I'm surprised I even have the priviledge of being able to use my ears today. :P It was LOUD. As my brother said, you could feel the vibrations in your stomach. And as I said, you could feel the vibrations in your Dr Pepper bottle. :P TFK might be next up as far as my favorites, since you could actually tell what a FEW of their songs said (as opposed to Dizmus and 4th Avenue Jones) though they were definitely the loudest band and they used these HORRIBLY BLINDING strobe lights. But other than being way way way too much for my ears and eyes, they did have a few songs that I liked. So anyways, we were there until 11, and got home eventually through some time-spanse-continuem thingy (well actually it was in the form of Wes's car and our minivan, but that's beside the point :P) at around 12. Umm... the tiredness attacks me.... where was I? "Bethany, get with the program!" No, I don't want to! :D It's like, so totally so not totally fashionable! Like, yah!
Ok, Bethany, seriously, if you do not stop using the word 'like' in that way I am going to strangle you! I will hit you on the head with the keyboard you are currently typing with and it will hurt! :D
So, anyways, that was yesterday. And, of course, the concert is what attributes to the tiredness of the day. As for being cold, it's always cold in my house. Oh well.
Ok, haha, sorry, changed the song. :P Let's see, should I even start to begin about what's been going on today? I have to go to bed in 15 minutes... yah I guess I will try. Well, Mike had a karate tournament... umm... and that's about all that's really, in essence, happened today, but there was more to today then that. But I don't think I will elaborate. Although, I will say this about the competition: "Everbody was kung-fu fighting!" Haha, seriously, there were some kung-fu people there, and their uniforms were awesome! :D
Next Wednesday I leave for Mexico! WHOO!! So excited! :D Umm, anything else? Nope. Don't think so. Your torture is nearing the end! THE END OF TIME!!! Oh, wait, no... just the end of the world. It's just the end of the world... no need to worry :D
Oh, quote from my head: "The encouragers are often the ones who need the most encouragement" :)(:
"Everybody dance now!" Bethany's leaving! WHOO!!! Doesn't that make you happy? Grace and peace, y'all. May God bless, thanks for reading, luv y'all all! Good days to ya! Let the smiliness abound! :)
~Once again, I present to you:

A long post ago, in a website far, far away... Bethany was at -awesome site. Go there. Or I will be forced to put bananers on your head! Yes, I said bananers. Isn't that unique? :D

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