Saturday, September 10, 2005

Just another post...

I need to listen to my funky music heehee... bad day, I guess.. but I got to see Katie and Rachel and I ate LOTS and LOTS of cupcakes, and many of them had very thick buttercream frosting... too thick :P I barely had enough for all of them, and ended up having to make some of them abnormally thin... but oh well. So I know, you're thinking: "Bethany, you've had cupcakes with lots of frosting and sugar and saw two of your best friends, you should be the happiest person in the world!" You're right. I should. But I'm not. I'm having trouble writing this even. *wipes tear* Well.. you see... well.. my friend and I started this thing...for service projects. We are meeting once a month and it's for teen girls... :) but I think we may do some service projects for girls and boys. Those wouldn't be the *Tabitha Teens* events, exactly, but the Tabitha Teens would be doing them, along with their brothers and friends. *heaves sad sigh* Well.. let's see... so we were going to have our first meeting today. Only two people showed, Katie and Rachel. And Katie's the person I'm doing it with. Oh well. Maybe more will come next time. Or not. Either way. :P I guess.. Katie.. and.. Rachel and.. I would have but we couldn't do as much...
So anyways...the meeting ended and I thought I'd go on IM, since I haven't been on today. Well.. as *soon* as I had two IM's at the same time! It made me happy! :) But then one of them... wasn't...really.. talking to me... oh well... hey at least they said *something*.
And my mom isn't helping. I was asking her things like 'Do you think more people will show next month?' and trying to be optimistic and she was giving me all this 'Well I don't think you should do this' and 'Well I don't think people are going to to it as much since it's on the weekends, they have other stuff to do' and it's just.. ugh! bringing me down. Oh well. I keep saying that, but oh well ;)
Maybe tonight I'll come back and be happy. I hope so. I think I'll make it ;) Grace and peace- luv y'all all! <3

~Bummed Goose~

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