Sunday, September 04, 2005

Interesting evening

Ok, so I'm back again. Here's what I have to do today (I think there are other things but I don't know what they are;) :
Clean Room
Work on TFT << !!!!!!!
Take shower
Work on Physics homework
Practice Piano

That's all for now. o.0 I don't know, we might go do something with my grandparents too. For now, though, I shall relate to you more stories of yesterday ;)
Yesterday, while eating breakfrest, we were discussing my Grandpa's new hearing aids. Then my grandpa said something about how he thinks my grandma should get hearing aids, and Grandma replies, "What?" :D it was funny.
Fast forward to last night, we picked up Mike and Timothy and I was driving, and I drove to Spring Creek.. that was fun.. and after that we went to the Omni. Timothy had to give us lessons in biology. o.0 but he didn't believe me that the mitochondria are the power generators! He said they produced ATP which gives energy to the cells, but wouldn't admit that that meant they were the power generators. *insert mad face* ;) And then he was explaining to Michael the workings of muscles, in exCRUCIATING detail... I know too many people who explain things in excruciating detail ;) well, maybe about 5... and maybe I can include myself sometimes, too, heehee... but.. they are: Mike, Timothy, Josh, Kennedy, and Daniel. Now I'm not so sure that Daniel really does that so much... but... well I guess he does.. anyways... so we went to the Omni and saw 'Fighter Pilots' which was pretty cool. Then we took Timothy home and the whole way back to his house he was drawing on this drawing pad that I, mistakenly let him use ;) o.0 that's what he was using to describe the workings of the muscles before, and then on the way back, he was using it to draw out this story about this hammer that Mike ate and then this rooftop that someone (I think it was Mike too) ate.. and then the house below the rooftop that was also eaten by said person and the dog that was inside the house, who ate my brain and Mike's brain.. which said person also ate because they were inside the house at that time. It was very complicated. o.0 I still have the page that he was drawing it out on, maybe I can remember the story that way ;) But I'm not so sure if I want to... ;)
Oh! Just a random fact about yesterday: I got a snow cone! I haven't had snowcones in a long time... it was good.. I think mom said it was strawberry, and I hadn't ever had strawberry before, I don't think, but I liked it. :)
Overview of this week: Tomorrow's my last day of summer, this Saturday Tabitha Teens begins (yikes! I've got a lot to do before then!) and... Tuesday is karate, and prolly lunch, and Thursday is Physics, I may go to Wednesday night church with Katie...and.. Friday classes begin. Busy busy busy... pray me this week! I'll pray you too! I really need prayer that I can get all my stuff done in a timely manner... :) and for my IM buddies, I'll most likely be on tomorrow night, and Friday night. (wow, that's all?) Tuesday is my first day of school, so I may be trying to do school, since most of the day I will be out. It's possible I'll come on for a little bit. Wednesday I'm out until about 9:30, maybe later, so I may or may not be able to come on then. Thursday is art, and I may try to come on after art, which would be about 10 or after. But I think I can say for sure that I will be on Monday and Friday night. And I'll try to get going on The Fiction Times so I can send that out soon. Happy trails to y'all ;)
Anyways, I better let you go now! This post is quite long enough! :) I'll ttyl...luv y'all all :) <3 Grace and peace. ;)

~Busy B~

1 Bananas:

Blogger Teia said...

hey....yeah..uh well. sorry for the lack of is sooo yeah..ill write to you..and talk to you later...lyl..teia

9/05/2005 7:50 PM  

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