Monday, September 12, 2005

Cookies :P

Ok, so I'm back. I just haaaaaad to show you a new quiz I found :) It made me... a bit happier, heehee... :) But... still not all the way... anyways... here it is...

Which cookie are you most like?

Chocolate Chip

You are a very classic person, and you prefer things as they are originally. This is the classic cookie, and after every new creation, it is still the best of them all. There are still many variations of this cookie, some are very soft, and others can be crispy... everyone has their preferences.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

anyways... guh... I have a headache, and... I cried last night, poor poor me :P ttyl... don't want to come on IM. maybe i'll feel better later...grace and peace...

just bethany

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