Saturday, September 17, 2005

Sunny Day...

Keeping the..clouds away...
I'll stop singing. I know my singing can't make your heart sing. OOOO!!! *ish reminded of her boogey music* brb! *goes off to turn it on* Ya know you make me want to shout! Especially if you leave comments! Pretty please? ;)
Well... yesterday was my first really great day of the week. I FINALLY got over my little bummed-spell. Aren't you glad? I am still haunted by allergies, but that is pretty much my only ailment. *wonders if she used the word 'ailment' right, and if she spelled it right...* Bum bum bum bum bumbum bum bum! Bumbabum babum bumbum! Not that you would know what that song is. It's the beginning of Get Ready for this playing over and over again. Happy!
Yesterday- wonderful, marvelously happy day. There were only two bad things about yesterday, but I'll tell you those after I tell you all the wonderfully great things. :D First momentous occasion: I got all my school for the week done by 11 am yesterday! I was so happy! So proud of myself! So satisfied! :D It really did make me feel really good to actually get something done.
Second momentous occasion: This one occured at about 5 pm yesterday. I talked to Jessica for the first time in awhile! YAY!!! If you read this, Jess: HI JESSICA!!! It was great talking to you! :D :D :D FLY LIKE AN EAGLE AND FALL LIKE A PAPERCLIP~
Third momentous occasion: I frosted cupcakes. This was actually before I talked to Jess, but recieves less merit then talking to Jess, because I love my Jessica-fwen-fwen! :D
Fourth momentous occasion: I talked to Brennick! That always makes me happy!
Fifth momentous occasion: There was a youth-night-thingy-at-Daniel's-church! It was fun! I fought funnoodles with Kennedy, Daniel, and Stephen, learned how to play pool with Jacob (I ACTUALLY HIT THE BALL INTO THE HOLE A FEW TIMES!! WHOOOO!!!), umm..watched Hitchhiker's guide... argued with Timothy :P That's always fun. :P He noticed this sign on a door that said 'Do not store anything in this room' and it had a sign below that said 'Elevator Equipment' lol..
Sixth momentous occasion: This happened before the cupcakes, but oh well, I guess I'm not going in chronological order :P We had speech, and I got through my little-speech I had to give pretty well! And after speech, I went out and petted the animals and such (it was a Daniel's house) and they all came up to me! They were lonely! Well, that or they wanted food. Either way. :P But a kitty *actually* let me pet and play with him/her! I've never gotten one of their kitties to do that! It made me really happy. The kitty was sooooooo cute!

And I believe there were more. I just don't remember them now. I had such a great day yesterday! It was fun! Wonderful! Satisfying! :P
But I did tell you there were two bad things. These, as you can see, are mightily outweighed by the good things, nevertheless, they were still there. There was actually one other bad thing, well not exactly bad, but it made me sad, but I am not going to blog about that one.
First bad thing that happened: I heard that my grandparents dog died of heat-exhaustion or whatever you call it. This is pretty sad for me, I know it's their dog, not mine, but Roo-Roo was so cute! So much fun! It's just hard to believe she won't be there when I go up there for Thanksgiving.
Second bad thing that happened: I had a loooot of anxiety at the youth thing last night, which was caused by not knowing where my brother was (he was going to come later) when he was an hour late... and then I tried to call and nobody answered any of the phones, it really worried me, like something really bad happened, or mom was mad at me for something... but that all worked out.

So anyways. That was yesterday. Today, we're going to see Valiant, the pigeon movie! WhooOO!! Pigeons are awesome, especially carrier pigeons! :P I can't wait! And the rest of what today brings, we'll just have to see! Until then, I'll be listening to boogie music, you should listen to music too! Hope your day is a sunny one! Luv y'all all <3 Grace and peace :P Do leave me a comment, I love comments! Or send me an email or something! I miss all of you! :) Everyone who reads this, right now, whom I am not currently talking to, I miss you. And if I am talking to you right now, then I previously missed you. :P
<< --ish being wierd


*sees Mike writing his Christmas list..* wow, start early.. well, actually I started mine, too, heehee.. with little things... like fuzzy slippers, one of those cool pillows with the polyester beads inside... a few cds, including Move-it! :D *ish still listening to Get ready for this, playing over and over and..*

*bobs head*
*bobs foot* lol...

2 Bananas:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh! You saw the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie? Neat! I've been reading those books recently; they were pretty good. Was the movie good?

Sorry about your grandparents' dog. He sounded really cute.

9/18/2005 12:49 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

Yep, the movie was pretty good :)
~Commenting Goose~

11/01/2005 4:31 PM  

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