Friday, September 09, 2005

Ohhhhh yah ;)

I got my funky on! Uh-huh Uh-huh...*dances* *screams like a mad woman* EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!!! *does her little penguin bob dance move* :D YAY!!! WOOHOO!!! <<--loves dancing :P Mike found this Neopets game that has clips from the Disney cd 'Move it' it's awesome! I want that cd! lol... I think there is one bad song but other than thaaat... I can get my funky on all the time! :P I think I'll put it on my Christmas list. It has... the Everybody Dance now song, which I'm listening to right now, and the song Get Ready for this... Kung Fu Fighting... You make me want to SHOUT!!! And the song 'I feel good'!!!! :D And LOTS of other awesome songs!! WOOHOO!!! I want to get it! :P It makes me so super awesomely wonderfully happy! Ok, enough of the hyperness. I'm sure you've aaaalllll been wondering what I've been doing lately. I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. But I won't, because I like you. :P You're a nice person. You read my blog ;) Sooo... when was my last blog entry? *goes off to check* SUNDAY???? I left you hanging since Sunday? How could I be so mean? :P Well... let's see.. gosh where to start? I started school, that's been going pretty well.. Mike had karate and we went to lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday I went to church with Katie, Thursday was Physics and painting class, today was the beginning of speech and *gets distracted by Mike making Jango (on his Star Wars game) dance to 'I feel Good' lololol!!! :D* ANYWAYS and we started art at the Marleys! That was a lot of fun! So... umm.. tomorrow Tabitha Teens starts, fuuuun.. so yah. Anyways. What else? Let's see.. I'd elaborate on everything but I'd probably bore you to death and it would be a really long entry! So I'll be nice. Bye now. :P Luv y'all all! <3 Grace and peace *insert fishy here*
~Boogey Goose~

"The best things in life begin with stupidity" --me, today. Right now. Get over it. Live life to the sunniest!

1 Bananas:

Blogger Teia said...

sounds really fun....i love dancing too...i danced so much last night that i was actually kinda SORE the stomach area....weird huh? but it was fun...talkt oy oulater...

9/10/2005 12:34 PM  

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