Sunday, September 18, 2005


Hey, it's me. Have any suggestions for boredom? :D
I took a pic of this rock that I can't remember the name of... anyone know? Have ANY idea? It's grayish with gold, blue, blue green, and purple tints in it... even some copper. I've looked through at least 600 rocks, literally. Let's see... oh, I don't think I've told you blog-readers about my Painting website, have I?! Wow! Silly old me! It's at :) Yesterday turned out to be a pretty good day, over all. There were a few minor mishappenings :P but there always is... we didn't end up seeing Valiant, but oh well.. I had lots of interesting conversations yesterday. ;) Um.. today... haha... I turned on Meowser's "classical" station (they play this live church service on Sunday mornings, I think) and I listened just a short time to the sermon, and the person was talking about a sculpture, haha... whatever happened to the Bible? :P I would say they must be one of those 'seeker-friendly' type churches, but they are very traditional and such. At least, that's my perception of them. I believe it's a Presbyterian church, and, btw, I don't usually listen to very much of the sermons and such :P They said something on their that I really disagreed with today, (not in the sermon but another part of the service) and I'm NOT going to say it on here, because I know that some people may believe in it and I do not wish to offend anyone. Not to mention, I don't really remember the exact wording. Anyways. Enough about that :P
So, after I listened to part of that sermon ;) I got ready and such, and I drove to and from El Fenix, with eating lunch in between, of course ;) I have had my gummy bear the whole time!! WHOO!! And nobody knows where it is! Well, at least they don't admit to it. :P Now Timothy's over and him and Mike are playing the lego Star Wars game thingy on the other computer. I think the only other thing I'm doing today is going to church tonight...
Oh! I must inform you of upcoming happenings! Well, I'm REALLY REALLY getting excited about my upcoming Mission trip. My first Mission Trip! YAY!!! I'm elated and happy and hyper and everything! I can't wait! :D We'll drive down there on Wednesday, the 28th of September, and drive back Sunday, October 2nd. Yay! Funness! I get to practice my Spanish... haha... here's a sentence for y'all Spanish-scholar-type peoples... and yes, I know what it means and I mean it to mean that :P And I'm not being mean. The mean of 3, 4, and 7 is not what it is trying to tell you. But anyways, here's the sentence, and if you can figure out/know what it's saying, comment! :D "La pelota roja esta (accent mark on the 'a') caminando." :D :D :D Yes, Bethany's random craziness strikes again. :P Anyways...other upcoming events...
Concert this next Friday.
Next Tabitha Teens October 8th.
Going up to grandparents for Thanksgiving.
And many, many other things.
Well! I'll let you go now, but now for a random comment from me:
When life gets you down, throw lemons, oranges, kiwis, and grapes at a canvas after inserting a small cut into them, thus creating the painting of your life. Fruity, and yet it rolls to the ground.
Or, you could just throw the fruits at yourself, that would work too. Maniac laughing is the spice of life. :P
Ok, enough from me already, tell me about you! :D Grace and peace, luv y'all all! <3
Now to get back to doing something productive! :D IM me!!! :D
"Yes, your Gooseyness, I have the fruits ready for you in your quarters."--some random person in my head!
haha, going to El Fenix always reminds me of a quote from Kennedy: "Chips are spoons, not food." :D

3 Bananas:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa, Betania! You painted all of those? Wow! I'm impressed. Keep up the good work!!

On a side note, who taught you how to do that? Did you go to an art class at your school or something?

9/20/2005 7:52 PM  
Blogger Rachel E. said...

Hey Betania!!

Those paintings are really impressive!! *is in awe*

As Rachel D said, keep up the good work!

9/22/2005 5:09 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

Yeppers! Thankles y'all!
Well, I've always taken different art classes and such... and I painted those paintings at the art class I'm currently at, it's a little place called Heritage Hut. Nancy Brown taught me :)
Again, thankles! Appreciate the comments! :)
~Miss Goosey~

11/01/2005 4:25 PM  

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