Saturday, October 29, 2005

*gasp* Bethany- SHOPPING!

Yep, that's right. Bethany went shopping! And.. *gulp* she had fun! :P So there! Bethany can be girly! :P Haha...
For you, RachelE, I tried coffee today. Let's just say, that was interesting. Jessica kept asking me, "So what do you think?" and I didn't know what to say... the coffee taste was, pretty harsh :P Just a little unexpected. I'll have to say it was ok though. Maybe I could learn to like it ;) The whipped cream made it taste great :P
I *will* have to try a Moolatte next time I go to Dairy Queen though, they look goooooooooood.... I could've done that today, since there's a DQ in the mall, but I'd already bought the latte and lunch, and I had a free ice cream thing, so I figured maybe later ;) Yep, that's right. I had coffee, then came lunch, which included a Dr Pepper, and THEN to top it all off, Jess and I got free ice cream and Chik-Fil-A. Fun stuff! Hyperness! Haha, and I'm not totally turned off by coffee. I'll just have to try somethin' a bit different next time ;)
And for all you non-coffee drinkers out there, remember: No jet-fuel. :P Though I didn't say that... haha... I hope they didn't put jet fuel in it :P Anyways.
For all those who would like to know "What in the world did Bethany buy, I wonder?" well.. I bought a nice light button down shirt and a cami, 2 matching shirts for me and Jess, (they say 'a little nutty' and have chip and dale on them :P) and... a bottle of tropical lotion from Bath and Body Works, the latte, lunch, and...*thinks hard* I think that's it. Which, amazingly, though it isn't *that* much, is more than I've probably ever bought at the mall ;)
So that was my day at the mall ;) I survived! :P It was a looot of fun, can't wait to do it again :P though I might set more of a budget next time ;) Spent around 50 dollars, which really, isn't that bad. I looked for the sale items ;) Coulda spent a lot more, anyways ;)
Alright, overview of this past week: Monday was normal, Tuesday was normal, Wednesday we went to get school pictures done (they come in 2 weeks) and got a haircut, Thursday was normal, and one of the most fun Thursdays I might add (I'll elaborate in a bit) and Friday was Speech and the guys had art, and I have some stuff to say about Speech, too. :P SUGAR RUSH!!
So... Thursday. Fun fun fun! I had the most fun at lab. I think it was more fun then any other lab I've done! Mostly cuz' the guys we were doing it with, Alex and his friend, were soooooo funny :P Basically: Imagine me, as a guy. Crazy, goofy, optimistic, and often confused, yep, that's Alex. :P IMHO anyways ;) Ummm...lessee... of course I had lots of fun on Thursday at always!
And Friday, Speech. It was so funny! See, we played this game, and the prizes were candy. Well, I won Now and Laters. So I started eating them (of course;) and had eaten about 5 in a few minutes :P 'Course Jacob saw, and he said "How *many* did yooou eat?" lol... and then he was like "No more candy for you for the rest of the day. You don't need any more candy." :P And he took the candy away... sad.. :P I was hyyyyPER!! I was bouncing, a lot, yes a loooot of bouncing, and I was definitely on a sugar rush :P So he gave me 2 candies, but then expected me not to eat them, silly, silly Jacob... what an absurd notion, giving Bethany candy and expecting her not to eat it :P So of course I ate one. Then he asked with suspicion, "Bethany.... where's the candy...." so I put the one that was left on the table, then "Wheeeeeere's the oooother one..." :P It was hilarious :P 'Nother quote by him, "But I like tormenting Bethany! It's fun!" Bad bad Jacob. Anyways. Just haaaaaaad to blog about that, gotta love it when Bethany gets sugar high :D
I can't wait for December 9th, Chronicles of Narnia! I'm soooo excited! I've been looking at the website, and just contemplating with great joy that wonderful day ;)
That's all for now, I'll be back! ;P Thanks soooo much for reading, and gimme a comment! Gimme gimme! :P Love ya lots, and I hope you have a wonderful, spectabulous, lovely day filled with sunshine and rainbows! :D
~Goosey out shopping~ :P

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