Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Start Back at Blogging

Bethany Word of the Entry: w99t!
Definition: Bethany is hyper!

Yay! Bethany is back to rule the world with her hyperness of doom! whoo!
What's new? WHAT'S NEW??? EVERYTHING!! Well, wait, not everything. :P Gosh! So mush I want to blog about! And yes, I purposefully left that, 'mush' :P
Ok, here ya go: Today I went ice skating. Fun stuff. Saturday is Game Night. More fun. Umm... fun fun fun! Tomorrow is Physics. LOVE PHYSICS! And I have to tell you a quote and a story...
Pertaining to the quote: I was talking to Mike about a comb with no teeth for a birthday present for someone... the quote: "Hi! You're bald! Happy Birthday."
Pertaining to the story: Okie, so I was on my bed, and so was Meowser. So I, in my random craziness, stuck my foot in Meowser's face. (heehee!) He, to my surprise, actually became happy! He started sniffing my foot, and rubbing it... and then... he started biting it! Haha... the story is... I spilt some catnip on the floor one time, and I haven't ever swept it up, since it was in a hard place to reach. But it spread, and I had some on my foot... and so that's why Meowser was so crazy about my foot. It was funny anyways. :P
Gotta go! I'll tell you more later! Thanks for reading! COMMENT!!! PLEASE!! I'll do anything!!!

~Miss Goose~

2 Bananas:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back Betania!!

I now wish I had a bald friend to give a toothless comb to. WAIT! I DO know someone who's bald! Maybe he won't be insulted if I give him one. Hmm.

Hooray for catnip!

Rachel D

10/20/2005 9:53 AM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

Heehee! I wonder if you might be referring to the same person Rachel E mentioned... :P
Catnip- coffee for cats. :P Gotta love it ;)

11/01/2005 4:14 PM  

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