Wednesday, September 28, 2005


This is your last chance to comment before I leave! ;)
ooo! I should listen to my funky on this very momentous occasion!
I leave in *looks at watch* 20 MINUTES!!!??? What am I doing on this computer??? Ah, yes, blogging. Because I do love my readers!
Here's what I'll most likely be doing the next few days:
Today- School, lots and lots of reading, for school and otherwise, as I believe mom referred to today as the '12 hour car ride' yep, that's right. 12 hours of boredom! Won't this be a pretty sight to see? Bethany's going crazy hyper wild! Well, maybe not, she might end up terrorizing the other bus occupants into jumping out of the lovely little, yes el POCO windows, that are conveniently located toward the top of the bus. :P I need to freshen up on some of my Spanish! Won't that be delightful! Yes, yes, you all know la pelota roja esta caminando! Such a nice ball! I always knew it could do it. Now, the question is: Why did the red ball cross the road? Until next's Bethany's Spanish! WHOO!!
Ok, and then the next few days after today are going to be filled with stories about how Bethany messes up with her Spanish amongst all the delighted little kids who will then burst into laughing. Yes, I always knew you stunk at Bethany! I could tell it from the day I met you! :D
Yes, I will be working with kids, fun stuff. I hear we are eating sandwiches everyday... oh, spontaneous thought, I have to turn on Meowser's classical music! and I have 15 minutes! Just 15 minutes! The end is certainly near! :D
So anyways, we are staying there for three days, and driving back on Sunday. Yes, another 12 hours of doom. Let's sing the doom song! Doom doom doom doom doom doom doomy doom! :D
I haven't even tasted a single drop of chocolate, sugar, or soda yet today! Wow! Record hyperness at 5:15 in the morning! Yes, I said 5:15 in the morning, if you didn't notice the date- that's what time it is now! I got up around 4:30...
Still no new email. You people! You mean you don't get up at 5 every morning just to send me email? That's ridiculous. *Considers the fact that she usually doesn't get up at 5 in the morning* Eh...
*Sneezes* Ugh, what is this newfound little lingering friend of mine? Why yes, it's Mr. Allergies. Hello Mr. Allergies! How are you doing today? Oh, I'm sorry, I squished you, why, I hope you are alright. Not.
Anyways, I'll leave you to other doings! I'm sure you have better things than to hear Bethany blabbing all morning! And I'm sure I do too! G'bye! Luv y'all all! Thanks for reading! Grace and peace! BE GOOD WHILE I'M GONE!!

~Early Goose~
PS Two more things! First off, check out my awesomeness cup! It has Dr Pepper in it, of course. Got that yesterday at lunch. As you most likely know, yellow and blue are my favorite colors...and the other thing was that I threw up on Monday night, after telling you I had a headache. Not fun. But you probably didn't care to know that ;)

4 Bananas:

Blogger Teia said...

i'm to you later...gotta go eat something...

10/01/2005 9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you had fun! It sounds like it would be, aside from the drive. And the doom song! Woo! Did Rachel E tell you about that?

10/10/2005 2:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yay!! I finally got the address to your blog again!! *dances*

I wanted to tell you...I sat right behind you at Mrs. Treadway's funeral. Isn't that soo funny?? I was walking to my seat, and I saw a face I recognized...I'm like, oh, gee, who is that person?? Then it clicked..:) I would have stopped and introduced myself, but I thought it might not be quite the correct occasion. Funeral, and all that, ya know. I knew you didn't know who I was, but I recognized you from the pictures you've put up here and all.

That was such a sad funeral, too. I talked with Hannah a little before the service, and some after, and I narrowly avoided bawling outright. Not a good thing. ;) Then when their pastor was My dad prayed a prayer, I think, and maybe said something. He was the guy with the big, grey beard. :)

Well, Anyhoo...thought I'd just tell you how narrowly we missed meeting.:)

grace franklin

10/19/2005 8:45 AM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

Hey y'all! thanks for all the lovely comments! I now commence to reply :P Because I do love comments!
Hey Teia! Hope you are doin' ok... thanks for the comment! Hope to talk to you sometime soon :)
Rachel D! Love ya! Yah, Mexico was pretty fun (I thiiiink that's what you were reffering to) so fun, I haven't had time to blog/write about it! So much to tell! And yes, I believe I first heard about the doom song from Rachel E.
Yay Grace! :D Hope you're doing great... yah, I remembered seeing 'Gene Franklin' on the bulletin thingy, and I figured that was your dad. It's so funny, I kept thinking about you during the service! Anyways, maybe we'll have another (and better;) chance to meet :P Which would definitely be awesome ;)

Much love to all of you!
~Miss Goosey~
Lover of Commenters

11/01/2005 4:13 PM  

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