Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Here quizzy quizzy!

Monday Meme 26 : 2005-11-14 : Survivor

1. List 5 people you'd want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island:

Newton, because we could discuss his theories and observe the scientific advantage of the palm tree

Katie & Jessica, because we could be hyper and sing crazy songs and just be nuts.

Big Bird, because he'd let me sit on his shoulders and then I'd be able to see if there was a ship coming


2. What 4 cds would you want with you (supposing you had a boom box)?

Disney's Move It Cd (don't actually have that one)

My 2 compilation cds


3. What 3 survival items would you want to bring?

medicine, knife, candy

4. What 2 food/beverage items would you miss the most?

Dr Pepper

Chicken Fried Steak

5. What is the 1 thing you'd miss the least?

Bed time! :P

I was the 151st person to take this week's Monday Meme!

So anyways. Just took that quiz.
We got the frozen cookie batch thingies we ordered! YAY!! I got Chocolate mint chip cookies, they are reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaally good. In other news... haha, yesterday was obstacle course day (driving) ... well... first of all, I was driving home from the restaurant yesterday, and I saw this shopping cart roll away from it's driver...and would you believe it... it rolled *right* in front of our van. Somehow I knew it was gonna do that :P Then, I was driving on this road, and I, in my generous yet stupid little mind, saw these cars waiting for an open spot to cross/get onto the road. The first one went, and I thought the second one was going to go, so I pretty much stopped for him... IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD... :P Stupid girl! So then mom told me I didn't have to do that :P and I started to go, and by that time the other driver thought I really was going to let him go, and that he ought to go, so he started to go... but then he saw I was just going to go on, so he stopped and waited until I passed. Fun stuff... so THEN I turned, and this cone-type thingy rolled into my path from the side of the road! Ya know, those orange and white cylidric thingamajiggeers? Yah, so anyways. That was interesting ;)
Had a piano recital yesterday, that was... ok. Hey, we got punch and cookies, it's all good :P We were some of the only older kids though! It was wierd! Anyways. After that we stopped at Panda Express for some dinner... and I got this awesomely cool sticker... it has a hot rod with a panda driving! :D Go Panda go! So after that we went to Bible Study. And today, we've been home, I actually got history done! :D Still have math, though... o.0
Anyways, I'll let you go! Eat candy and cookies! Embrace your inner hyperness! Remember- Blue Bunny will always, ALWAYS love you. (yah know, the ice cream bunny?)
Luv y'all all!
~Miss Goosey~

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