Thursday, November 03, 2005

Unfailing Love

You have my heart
And I am Yours forever
You are my strength
God of grace and power

And everything You hold in Your hand
Still You make time for me
I can’t understand
Praise You God of Earth and sky
How beautiful is Your unfailing love
Unfailing love

Love that song... heard it (and sang it) for the first time last night. That's gonna be my song for the rest of the week...
We can't possibly understand or comprehend the love of our wonderful God!
It's been so cool lately to see how God has provided all of our needs :) I'm so grateful!
On a less serious note, GO TO STUPIDVIDEOS.COM!!! They have some great new videos... good, clean, fun ;)

This is a short post *shock and terror* yah, I know, my posts can be kinda long :P But I will tell you a little about the upcoming weekend:

Tomorrow is art, and then I got a thingy. I actually have 3 thingies to choose from. THE HORROR!! AHHH!!! RUN AWAY FROM THE EVIL CHOICE MONSTER!! I CAN'T DO IT!! I CAN'T!! haha... yah... 2 different concerts and 1 youth thingy at Daniel's church. So I shall surprise my readers and reveal my choice tomorrow or Saturday ;) Must... choose! ALL THREE!! CAN'T TAKE IT!!! ;)

And if I don't choose the event that you are going to, don't take it personally. It's because of one of the three reasons: I heard about it too late, there's a fee to get in, or it's something that happens more often than the others. AND it could also be that I didn't know who was going. So yah. We'll see tomorrow night! :P
Saturday is games, games, and more games... at Chelsea's church... yep fun stuff. Sunday.. nothing planned, well, church... so anyways...that's the weekend!
Today's gone great. Had a fun lab at Physics, had two awesome drivers who took me to and from Physics ;) And if you are one of them, and you are reading this, I give my uttermost thanks! You know I really appreciate it! :) Yay go nice peoples! Whoo! :P
Alright, well I said this was going to be short, so now I'll end! Hope you have a lovely day! In conclusion, look at, and remember to keep your sunny side up ;) And be nice!
Gotta post!
~Miss Goosey~

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