Thursday, November 10, 2005

Check out the awesomeness!!!!!!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's too cool for words!!!! TOO COOL I TELL YOU!!!! Well, unless the words are: Awesomely cool Dr. Pepper squishy pillow!!!!! Well, I was looking around on that funtocollect site, with the candy and cereal pillows... and that's right, they sell soda pillows too! THEY HAVE THE AWESOMELEY COOL DR PEPPER SQUISHY PILLOW!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha, if I don't get it for Christmas I think I might buy it :P It is *so* going on my Christmas list! YAYNESS!!!
Here's the living proof of this awesomely cool pillow:
The link is even awesome! Squishy Pepper, you're my HERO!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! Go squishy pepper! Ok, I'll stop now ;)
Ok, so this post is pretty much pointless so far. Except for the fact that I found the most awsomenest pillow in the whole wide world. And I met my new friend, Squishy Pepper. But I guess since I'm here I'll tell you what be up wit' me. Family dinner tonight at On The Border. Fun. Umm... Physics today. More fun. Except I got a less then excellently wonderful grade. Ok, so it's still really really close to an A+, but still, it's not. Oh well. I'm such a perfectionist sometimes... I am when I don't need to be and not when I should be. :P Anyways...
Yesterday. Church. Tuesday. Mike belt test. Got yellow. Got yellow? No, unfortunately. But Mike does :P Yellow is the awesomenest color ever! Just like the DP pillow is the aweesomenest ever! Anyways. Tuesday. BSF. Tuesday. Headache. Monday. Sewing. Piano. Same. Old. Same. Old.
OK, ENOUGH OF THE ONE WORD SENTENCES!!!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! AHHHHH!!! RUN AWAY!!!! *runs away* *comes back* *deep breath* anyways... Tomorrow. Speech. Art. Giving Speech. Not telling what speech is about. Saturday. Tabitha Teens. Fun. Fun. Fun.
*regains composture* Composture! Composture! Don't you love my word? YAY!! Typos be awesome! I have to go! :P
Bye y'all.. love y'all all, thanks for reading! Remember, the Dr. Pepper pillow is the most awesomenest ever. :P Hope y'all are doing well, leave me a comment and tell me how you're doin'!
~Miss Goosey~
Who is kindasortya nervous about her speech tomorrow. And who doesn't know if she's going to stay during guys' art tomorrow. Decisions, decisions...

PS is awesome!!!!

PPS Ok, I am officially obsessed with candy. Fun for me, scary for you :P Get out of town fast. But before you do, check out and see how much you really know about candy! :D

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