Monday, December 19, 2005
About Me
- Name: Miss Goose
- Location: Texas
Elolo y'all! Welcome to the blog of a crazy, hyper, delirious, confused, crazy, did I say hyper?, bouncy, cheerful, maniac laughing, flavorful, chocolatey, GOOSE Texan. All you need to know about me: I have made many websites, might soon be involved in a band, my friend and I are starting our own business-type-thing, I have a message board, and lots of other things you probably do not want to know. :o)
8 Bananas:
I got Blue. :)
For some reason, you getting a banana did not suprise me at all.
I got green. Like celery. Fear the celery!
I was hoping for red. Perhaps I shall retake the quiz...
Keeheehee... cheater :P Mike took a buuuuuuuunch of lightsaber quizzies, and for some reason most of them told him he was blue. He didn't like it, because he wanted to be green.. and some did give him green...aaaaanyways...
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOO!! NOT THE CELERY!!!! *runs away* *comes back* Oh, yep, I was very happy about getting a banana. :P Suits me perty well I 'spose ;)
TYPOIS PERVAIL!!! Keeheehee!!!
WOOHOO!! I got red. Of course, I had to skew my answers so that they would definitely point to red, whether or not that's how I actually felt. And a dog isn't one of the animals that you can pick. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....
*The Dark Side surfaces*
OOOOOOO!!! And I had a great Peep torture idea today!!! I was thinking that you take a Peep, and put it on a pile of gunpowder, then ignite the gunpowder!!! Isn't it great??!! :P
Wow...Long comment...
But of course... tehehehe...
And I think I remember disliking something to the effect of not having a cat, too... or maybe that was another quiz...
And no. It's not great. IT'S HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!! YOU EVIL MINDED FIEND!!!!!!!! BAAAAAD GOOSE!!!!!!
Well, not bad for the long comment, but ya....anyways...thanks for the comments y'all! Be good! :D
~Miss Goosey~
I got green! *waves to Rachel D* Vlad is happy too, I heard...
~ Rachel E
What did Vlad get? :)
~Miss Goosey~
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