Monday, April 03, 2006

Tagged :D

1.Name- Bethany..aka Miss Goose!
2.Age- 16
3.Height- 5'8" or so
4.Shoe size- Somewhere between 9 and 11 :P
5.Ring size- umm..8? 7? I don't remember.
6.Unusual habits- Hm...this could take awhile...but I'll go with one I like to call "Scratch 'n' Sniff"..where I scratch my head and smell my fingers...
7.Eye color- Brown
8.Length of left big toe- Oh yah, like I know that off hand...*gets ruler* 2 inches
9.Length of right pinky toe- 3 cm.
10.Number in your graduating (or present) class- I have no clue...I know..*counts* 4? homeschooled sophomores? I guess?
11.Graduation year (high school)- 2008
12.Graduation year (college)- No clue
13.Graduation year (seminary)- No thanks. --ditto that!
14.Major (planned) in college- Planned? Who said anything about me knowing the plan? :P's planned..but I haven't exactly taken a look at my life's itinerary..
15.Address- 555 Looney Lane, Looneyville, TX 77777
16.Social security number- Hah. Hah. Yah right. I guess you'll ask for my mother's maiden name next? :P
17.Zip code- 77777 :D

Favorites and two Least Favorites
18.Favorite Movie- Second Hand Lions
19.Favorite TV show- LOST? I dunno..don't watch much tv...
20.Favorite Cd- Hmmmmmmmm....Move It! Yay for move it!
21.Favorite Tape- Don't really..own any tapes...except some with my compositions..
22.Favorite Band- Prolly Casting Crowns
23.Favorite Superhero- ... hmm...Layla! Yay for Layla! She's awesome! (Sky High)
24.Favorite Book- Swiss Family Robinson
25.Favorite poster- "All I need to know about life I learned from my cat"
26.Favorite Brady child- No clue, hadn't seen that show in forEVER
27.Favorite American idol- ... ... current? Chris or Mandisa.. I heard Kelly Clarkson was good...but I don't know much about her...
28.Favorite x-man- No idea...
29.Favorite Member of Nsync- Haha. I don't really know...
30.Favorite Sport- Baseball
31.Favorite Weapon- BubbleGun! Sounds like bubble gum, only not! :D
32.Favorite Store- ... ... no know...ummmmmmm...Yard sales! Yay bargains!!!
33.Favorite Clothing Brand- Is Tigger a clothing brand? :P
34.Favorite Higherthings Blog- Gotta say...The Operation Log of Agent Delta! Yay for KK getting a blog!!!!
35.Favorite Restaurant- Purple Cold Stone or Marble Slab or any other ice cream parlor count as a restaurant? :P
36.Favorite Food- Chicken Fried Steak
37.Favorite Type of Restaurant- Ice cream!
38.Favorite Type of Food- Yummy!
39.Favorite Color- Yellow
40.Favorite Period of History- Umm... maybe Medieval Times
41.Favorite Muppet- Miss Piggy rocks!
42.Favorite Alcoholic Beverage- No thank you.
43.Favorite Musical Instrument- The..harp? Maybe? Hmm...
44.Favorite Candle Scent- These questions keep getting harder...vanilla...tropical...or...hmm...I don't know...
45.Favorite Operating System- Linux :D
46.Favorite Smiley Face- It's's coming...IT'S COMING!!! You guessed it...:P
47.Least Favorite Book- I don't know...the Hunchback of Notre Dame was good, but there were parts where he would just drag......on...... talking about architectural details...
48.Least Favorite Candle Scent- Probably something like a tree Pine or something...

Have you Ever?
49.Have you ever gone toga-ing? Hmm...what is that?
50.Have you ever blown up, set on fire, or mutilated an action figure? Haha..action *mysteriously evil look* Lol...KK...remember..? :D
51.Have you ever tried to eat a fake decorative fruit? (Like a plastic apple) I've pretended to, before...I think I remember being almost fooled by one, once...
52.Have you ever gone trick-or-treating since your childhood? I never went TOTing..
53.Have you ever killed a seagull? Awww...why would I want to do that???
54.Have you ever eaten a dog biscuit? I've always considered it...
55.Have you ever fired a high powered rifle? Nopenope
56.Have you ever worn a dress? Yepyep.
57.Have you ever tried hitting a piece of technology to make it work? Of course I do! And it works splendidly! Especially on the old tv I used to have! :D
58.Have you ever head banged t hrough the entire guitar solo in Bohemian Rhapsody?
59.Have you ever deep-fat fried a random food item and eaten it? No, but it sounds like fun :D
60.Have you ever been in a blog war? A blog war? What is that?

61.How many HT conferences have you been to? 0
62.Do you know how to play any musical instruments? Piano + Guitar
63.Did anyone notice that I switched numbers 33 and 18? What? No you didn't.--ditto that
64.Did anyone notice the other numbering errors? There where none.--ditto
65.Did anyone actually look for other numbering errors? I usually do, but nothing really seemed out of the ordinary so I was lookin' too hard.
66.If you had to dress up as one Star Trek character, which one would it be? Hmm...they all look the same...but...maybe one of the borg :D
67.Do you have any odd hobbies? really wierd food combos (such as oreos and ranch dressing, or chili and chocolate ice cream)
68.What's the most random gift you've ever given or received? A toothpaste box! Ok, ok, well the toothpaste box had something in it...but still...toothpaste!
69.Sith or Jedi? Jedi! :D
70.How do you like your steak cooked? Well done.--ditto
71.If someone paid you $5, would you drink Dr. Pepper out of the navel of a hairy Scottsman? Eh...noo....
72.Did you enjoy filling out this tag form? Yepyep!
73.Will you be prepared at The Feast to party every night with The Mop and Patty? Not going...
74.Do you vow never to tag, as well as never respond to tags, ever again? No way--ditto, I actually like tags...
75.Which three people do you choose to tag? *drum roll* What you’ve all been waiting for...
1. Jessica (you don't have to do the HT questions)
2. Brennick
3. KK (you have permission do as few as fifteen :D)
~Zee Goose~

5 Bananas:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Second time I've been tagged...I still don't think I'm doing it. :P


4/03/2006 9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do too have to do it, K-Bob. If you don't, I'm totally sending you the 667 question survey too. So there. Pah, what a poozeweasel.

doo dee doo

4/04/2006 12:03 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

KK!!! You are a very bad goose!!! *grabs banana* *bops KK on head with said banana* No more Miss nice goose...:P
Kehehehehe...jk...I'll be nice...and I was nice! :D I said you only had to do 15! :D And you can even just do 10 if you want to...and strategically choose whichever oneses you want...but KK, you have to do it. You've been tagged! You should feel special! :P
~zee banana-head-bopping and yet still nice Miss Goose~

4/04/2006 2:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, how am I going to do it?? Or are you talking about another Jessica?? [gasps] How can you do this to me?? I will never share my cookies with the Acqua Scum ever again.

4/15/2006 1:51 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

No! Never another Jessica! Of course not! *hugs Jessica*
NOOO!!! NOT THE COOKIES!!! I want zee cookies!! Give them to me! Give them!!!!!!!!
Or share them. That works too. But do not withhold zee cookies from Aqua Scum! Tiz torture!!!
Hmm...maybe I shouldn't talk about what tortures me on here... could be...dangerous...*shifty eyes* DON'T DO IT!!! IT WAS THEM CRAZY MANIAC MONKEYS, NOT ME!!!
All caps is fun....FUN!! EMBRACE THE FUN!! OR ELSE!!
As to the yes...the tag.. not the crazy maniac monkeys, or the crazy maniac goose... THE TAG, Bethany, THE TAG!!! Well, you just copy and paste that quiz onto your xanga, then take out my answers and fill it out. And at the end you can tag people yourself. If you so choose to do so.
I think that Sunkist is getting to mi head...yessss....suuuunkiiissst.... or maybe I'm still having 'hangover' from the frappacinio I had on Thursday... never trust Bethany on the road with coffee... well in that case, never trust Bethany on the road...

4/15/2006 2:18 PM  

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