Saturday, October 29, 2005

*gasp* Bethany- SHOPPING!

Yep, that's right. Bethany went shopping! And.. *gulp* she had fun! :P So there! Bethany can be girly! :P Haha...
For you, RachelE, I tried coffee today. Let's just say, that was interesting. Jessica kept asking me, "So what do you think?" and I didn't know what to say... the coffee taste was, pretty harsh :P Just a little unexpected. I'll have to say it was ok though. Maybe I could learn to like it ;) The whipped cream made it taste great :P
I *will* have to try a Moolatte next time I go to Dairy Queen though, they look goooooooooood.... I could've done that today, since there's a DQ in the mall, but I'd already bought the latte and lunch, and I had a free ice cream thing, so I figured maybe later ;) Yep, that's right. I had coffee, then came lunch, which included a Dr Pepper, and THEN to top it all off, Jess and I got free ice cream and Chik-Fil-A. Fun stuff! Hyperness! Haha, and I'm not totally turned off by coffee. I'll just have to try somethin' a bit different next time ;)
And for all you non-coffee drinkers out there, remember: No jet-fuel. :P Though I didn't say that... haha... I hope they didn't put jet fuel in it :P Anyways.
For all those who would like to know "What in the world did Bethany buy, I wonder?" well.. I bought a nice light button down shirt and a cami, 2 matching shirts for me and Jess, (they say 'a little nutty' and have chip and dale on them :P) and... a bottle of tropical lotion from Bath and Body Works, the latte, lunch, and...*thinks hard* I think that's it. Which, amazingly, though it isn't *that* much, is more than I've probably ever bought at the mall ;)
So that was my day at the mall ;) I survived! :P It was a looot of fun, can't wait to do it again :P though I might set more of a budget next time ;) Spent around 50 dollars, which really, isn't that bad. I looked for the sale items ;) Coulda spent a lot more, anyways ;)
Alright, overview of this past week: Monday was normal, Tuesday was normal, Wednesday we went to get school pictures done (they come in 2 weeks) and got a haircut, Thursday was normal, and one of the most fun Thursdays I might add (I'll elaborate in a bit) and Friday was Speech and the guys had art, and I have some stuff to say about Speech, too. :P SUGAR RUSH!!
So... Thursday. Fun fun fun! I had the most fun at lab. I think it was more fun then any other lab I've done! Mostly cuz' the guys we were doing it with, Alex and his friend, were soooooo funny :P Basically: Imagine me, as a guy. Crazy, goofy, optimistic, and often confused, yep, that's Alex. :P IMHO anyways ;) Ummm...lessee... of course I had lots of fun on Thursday at always!
And Friday, Speech. It was so funny! See, we played this game, and the prizes were candy. Well, I won Now and Laters. So I started eating them (of course;) and had eaten about 5 in a few minutes :P 'Course Jacob saw, and he said "How *many* did yooou eat?" lol... and then he was like "No more candy for you for the rest of the day. You don't need any more candy." :P And he took the candy away... sad.. :P I was hyyyyPER!! I was bouncing, a lot, yes a loooot of bouncing, and I was definitely on a sugar rush :P So he gave me 2 candies, but then expected me not to eat them, silly, silly Jacob... what an absurd notion, giving Bethany candy and expecting her not to eat it :P So of course I ate one. Then he asked with suspicion, "Bethany.... where's the candy...." so I put the one that was left on the table, then "Wheeeeeere's the oooother one..." :P It was hilarious :P 'Nother quote by him, "But I like tormenting Bethany! It's fun!" Bad bad Jacob. Anyways. Just haaaaaaad to blog about that, gotta love it when Bethany gets sugar high :D
I can't wait for December 9th, Chronicles of Narnia! I'm soooo excited! I've been looking at the website, and just contemplating with great joy that wonderful day ;)
That's all for now, I'll be back! ;P Thanks soooo much for reading, and gimme a comment! Gimme gimme! :P Love ya lots, and I hope you have a wonderful, spectabulous, lovely day filled with sunshine and rainbows! :D
~Goosey out shopping~ :P

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


and not! and happy! and not! It's a melancholy world of the happy sadness. Lovely. Right on. Whatever.
Why can't we just have the happy? Oh yah. If we didn't have the sad, there would be no happy. Because everything would be happy, there would be no such thing as sadness, thus leaving no reason to label it 'happy' because it's no different from anything else. Anyways.
GUH!!! WHY CAN'T I KEEP MY HAPPINESSSSSS!!! I just come home, and ruin it. Anyways.
But I still have some left, and I wish to share it, so I'll revert to my happy hyper mood now. Then I'll most likely go back to feeling wierd. *rolls eyes at herself* Well, after I finish talking in circles. Wait, then I'll be dizzy... well I'll be feeling wierd all the same :D
Tonight was great! Why the melancholiness? Gosh Bethany! Well I came home and pretty much forced myself to be unhappy. Bad Bethany! Yah. Wonderful thing to do to myself, right? After I had cake and everything, I had to come home and screw it up. Oh well.
Yes! I HAD CHOCOLATE CAKE!! I SAW KATIE!! I TALKED TO SOME OF MY FAVORITE FRIENDS ON THE PHONE!! WHOOOOOO!!!! w99t! AND lots of other stuff.. eek! don't have much time!
But I went to church with Katie tonight, fun stuff. I was holding Meowser, and he started spelling. Yep, that's right. Ya know those crazy people that tend to stand in football stands and make letters with themselves and be really wierd an' stuff? Yah. That's what Meowser was doing. He spelled 'I-K-O' :P Whatever that means. *gasp* Maybe it's a code! What can it mean? AHH!!! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR SOCIETY???
*takes deep breath* It must be another of Meowser's codes... once he typed a message and let us know of a conspiracy by some aliens or something. Now he has a new code! What does it mean?
Ok, on to other things. More stuff on the agenda! Aren't you happy? I have lotsa stuff this weekend. Saturday I'm going shopping with Jessica (GASP!! What an abomination! Bethany? Shopping? What a traitor! :P lol just kidding!) which should be lotsa fun.. well at least we *might*. Jess, if you're reading this, haha, pay no attention to that last bit, that was just me being random :P I am most *certainly* looking forward to Saturday! :D And then afterwards we're going to a thingy on Saturday night. Fun stuff! I think she's going, I *think*. Right Jess? :P Maybe. Anyways.. on Sunday I am going to this "Christian Haunted House" :P Not really, it's where they have like.. umm... oh where they show you what Hell is like, basically. Sin City or something. I don't know. Sounds interesting, anyways. Then Monday of course is October 31, and a bunch of us Fort Worthians are going over to Katie's house. Fun stuff! We are going Canned food driving :D IF you are one of my Fort-Worthian type friends, and I know you (IOW you're not some creepy 59 year old fast food worker who lives in my back yard reading my blog) and you *really* want to come, email me. It should be fun. I still have peoples to call about that! yikees! Well, just Rachel I think...
Anyways! Da mum comes! I must be getting to bed, says she! So yah, I'll ttyl... have a wonderful, sunny, fun filled day! Make it happy! Hopefully I'll follow suit :P
I would tell you about my sad-type-ness, but A: I do not want to make anyone sad if they are not, and B: It's kinda personal :P *shudders* Yah... Betnee's got trouble! Anyways! Haha, and if you are a Fort-Worthian gal pal o' mine I shall tell ya :P Maybe :P So I'll get goin' now! :)
Thanks for the comments ya'll! Keep 'em comin'! Love ya!
Oh! Grace, that is sooooo funny! I kept wondering if I was going to meet you there! :D Were you one of the beautiful singers behind us? :)(: I *might* have said something, when everyone had exited, if I had time and I knew what you looked like :) Luv ya!

Luv y'all all!
~Miss Goose~

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Start Back at Blogging

Bethany Word of the Entry: w99t!
Definition: Bethany is hyper!

Yay! Bethany is back to rule the world with her hyperness of doom! whoo!
What's new? WHAT'S NEW??? EVERYTHING!! Well, wait, not everything. :P Gosh! So mush I want to blog about! And yes, I purposefully left that, 'mush' :P
Ok, here ya go: Today I went ice skating. Fun stuff. Saturday is Game Night. More fun. Umm... fun fun fun! Tomorrow is Physics. LOVE PHYSICS! And I have to tell you a quote and a story...
Pertaining to the quote: I was talking to Mike about a comb with no teeth for a birthday present for someone... the quote: "Hi! You're bald! Happy Birthday."
Pertaining to the story: Okie, so I was on my bed, and so was Meowser. So I, in my random craziness, stuck my foot in Meowser's face. (heehee!) He, to my surprise, actually became happy! He started sniffing my foot, and rubbing it... and then... he started biting it! Haha... the story is... I spilt some catnip on the floor one time, and I haven't ever swept it up, since it was in a hard place to reach. But it spread, and I had some on my foot... and so that's why Meowser was so crazy about my foot. It was funny anyways. :P
Gotta go! I'll tell you more later! Thanks for reading! COMMENT!!! PLEASE!! I'll do anything!!!

~Miss Goose~