Thursday, December 22, 2005


Ok, I'm reeeeeally really happy. And hyper. You can't tell, can you? Well... *breaks out in happy-hyper maniacal laughter*
I am presently hugging my Dr Pepper pillow. I love it sooo so much! I'm going to get noonononono sleep tonight... kehehe... I'm prolly going to be hugging it and petting it in the middle of the night... and then I'll go to sleep, and wake up... and see my DP pillow, and pet it some more....YAYNESS!!
But I'm going to need sleep tonight, I'm getting up at 8 tomorrow... going to art again... gooottttaaa finish this painting....
Yah, I'm not hyper. Not in the least...
Well, ya see, Katie came over, my grandparents came down, I finished my school, I went to painting, I GOT MY DR PEPPER PILLOW!!!, I had lots of candy, and cookies, I saw Nancy... and she gave us these really awesome hats...I'll post a pic next entry, but the Dr Pepper pillow takes first place. So happy. Oh, and Katie got to eat dindins with me and my family and my grandparents! YAYNESS!!!
Oh, and also, I spent the night at Jessica's on Tuesday night! FUUUUNNNEESSS!!!! It was awesome! We watched a movie, had hot cocoa, snuck cookies, (don't tell!) umm... and two really superbly awesome things. First, I found a new hobby! Ok, now get ready...
I found...
Rolling off of beds is quite the funnest thing! See, I don't have a bed I can roll off of at home. You're thinking 'You don't have a bed?' Well that's not it. I have two, infact. A bunk bed. But the bottom one is situated so if I tried to roll off of it I'd run into the wall. Then I'd get stuck between the bed and the wall, which.. well.. would take all the fun out of it. So there's always rolling off the top bunk... haha... wouldn't that
Anyways, the second thing was we made this awesome movie (at Jess's). It's the adventures of Aqua Scum and the Amazing Cookie Man! I was the 'Aqua Scum, ruler of the deep' and I was the supervillian. It was mucho funo. I wore royal blue mascara. Fun stuff. I'll have to post a pic of that soon, too, when I get it :)
So I've been having a lot of fun lately. Oh, Mike broke a board last night! I was so proud! :D
I've also been having a lot of non-fun lately, trying to get my school done and such... had some hard spiritual battles... but the fun and happiness outweights the bad stuff. So I'm good. :P
Merry Christmas y'all, may God bless :) Luv y'all all lots and lots, and thankles for reading!
~Aqua Scum

3 Bananas:

Anonymous Anonymous said...



12/23/2005 10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I think that I will just sign my name down at the bottom of my comment so you know who THIS IS!

The Amazing Cookie Man

12/23/2005 10:26 AM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

Thankles! Great Christmas to ya too :P Love ya Amazing Cookie 'Man' :D
--Aqua Scum

12/23/2005 8:10 PM  

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