Tuesday, January 10, 2006


*shudders* I had a nightmare last night.
I must've been at home, since I was on the computer. And here's the scary part... I went on Quizilla!!! AHHHH!!!! *mob screams* Hey, what're y'all doin' here, get outa here. I'm trying to tell my nice little readers about dream. You heard me, scram! Ok, anyways.. and... I think I said it was QuizYourFriends... but yah... so that was my horrible nightmare.
I was just reading some random person's blog, and I saw... QUIZ RESULTS. Yepo. Scariness. I wanted to take the quiz soo bad, but I cannot. I must withhold my resolution!
And of course I've broken the other two... "To not have sweets after 6, and certainly not after 8" well.. I broke that one last night, I had vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup after *10* but it didn't keep me awake... probably because of the Nyquil. I think I actually went to sleep at 11 something or 12... which is early, for me. But I'm still tired.
I need to take my cold medicine... so I'll ttyl. Bubbles! Have a great day, don't get sick, luv ya, thankles for reading! As always! Oh, and don't drink and drive!
Banana Day
Oh, 2 days late: Happy clean off your desk day! :D I should clean off mine, even though it's late... :P
And check this out: Lesser Known Holidays
~Miss Goosey~
...born on toothache day...what a lovely thought... :P

3 Bananas:

Blogger Teia said...

i'm BACK! ;-) hey..just posted...check it out.. ;-) ttyl..lyl..teia

1/10/2006 5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW!! Interesting dream.....

-The Amazing Cookie Man

1/15/2006 3:05 PM  
Blogger Miss Goose said...

Teia! Yay! You're back!! WOOO!!!
Yep, it was interesting. I've had a lot of interesting dreams lately, probably because of the Nyquil :P
~Le Goose~

1/15/2006 4:36 PM  

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