Sunday, January 01, 2006


I feel like a crazy lunatic. Tell me honestly... am I a crazy lunatic? Or is this just the result of 2 hours of sleep over New Years? Or, maybe it's both.. hmmm... or maybe it's the result of my being 99.9% crazy and .1% banana...
I had a great time last night... but I'm sooo tired... yah... I like celebrating new years. It's fun. It's so wierd, going from one year to the next in about a minute... haha, last night, Katie and I did our toast with apple juice :D but yah.. for those who don't know, we were babysitting last night. I taught karate lessons :D We watched a bunch of movies.. had ice cream and cookies (YAYAYAYAYAY) umm.. apple juice, orange juice... stuffses... so yah. That was my new years.
Oh, lately I've been thinking about the homeschool prom coming up in April.. I'm going with a group, Katie and I are getting together...
New Years Sweets for ya (my new tradition!)
From 2005, I'm thankful for...
Emmanuel. The idea of Emmanuel has been on my mind lately- God with us- you can see Him working through every situation... and He's always there, no matter what happens...
My wonderful friends. I am so thankful for you, my friends, what a blessing! I don't know what I'd do without you! It's like I was thinking a week or two ago: I'm thankful for the blessing and the Blesser. :)
Time. As much as I hate time, and I want to ban it, I am sooo thankful that there has been enough time this year to keep up (relatively) with my schoolwork, activities, homework, practice.. everything.. social life :P I know I can do all things through Him who gives me strength!
Random mind. I am thankful for my random mind. There are times when I feel like the world is crashing in on me, and somehow God always brings some thought to my mind that makes me smile. Blessed are they who laugh at themselves, for they will never cease to be amused.
My painting class! Even when the world is falling around me, even when I am confused and can't make sense of this world, I can go to painting class, forget it all, or let it all out, it's a really nice refresher.
University Park church and Ridglea Baptist church. I think they have been a great influence in my life, going to church more than once a week helps me to remember where my focus should be. Also BSF. I am thankful to have somewhere I can go and be spiritually edified.
The Holy Spirit. I think the Holy Spirit has taught me a lot this year... I know the Holy Spirit has worked a lot in me. Sometimes I think I forget that that's what the trials are for- for without pain, how can one's heart be changed? I think the Holy Spirit has worked a lot on my patience this year, and I'm sure I have many new trials ahead to face in this new year.
I'm not sure how to put this one into words, but, I'm thankful I'm free. Free from having to believe any certain doctrine. Free from judgmentalism, free from legalism. It's really nice to not have all that in my life. I don't mind if someone believes differently from me, that's how the Holy Spirit is leading them. So I guess I'm just thankful I'm free.
Firefox!! Gotta include Firefox. It's such a time saver, so cool! I love it!
That's a wrap on this year's edition of New Years Sweets for ya! :)
Anyways... I guess I better go before the Quizilla urges come on again...
Byes, thankles for reading, luv y'all all!
~Miss Goosey~
..the tired...

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