Saturday, December 31, 2005

Guess What!!!!!

GuesswhatguesswhatguessWHAT!!!! I have resisted the urge to go on quizilla since 9:18 pm last night!!!! WHOO!!!! Maybe my new years resolution will last!
Oh, for those of you who aren't me or Kennedy and weren't hacking into mine or Kennedy's computer last night: My new New year's resolution is this: To not go on Quizilla for a month! Let's see if this lasts!!! Oh, and I'm also going to try to remember things.
Mmmmmmm egg rooooolllll... stop drop and roll! Yay!!! Oh! Oh! One time, I took a pic of me, being an 'egg-head' :D It has me with an egg on my head.. well... I was thinking, it would be cool, to take a video of an 'egg-roll'... an egg rolling off my head :P Oh, oh, oh yes, I am eating an egg roll right now... yumminess............................................................
What are y'allses doing for New Years? I'm going, at 3:45, to Katie's house, from which we will go to the babysitting job of DOOM. I'm gonna spend New Years with Katie, at somebody's house I don't know... well, indirectly, I suppose I know them... it's some relation to this guy I know....can't remember...
I'm hungry. I hope we get lunch before I go over there... Katie said we're gonna have a pizza for dindins...
Randomness, but.... grrrrsy I am mad at message board. I exited all the Firefox windows and it left me logged in! Stupid message board!!!! Someone could hack into my account or something.. haha...
Anyways! The randomness shall soon be over :) Thankles for reading! Hope your world is spinning, if it's not, I reccommend a spoonful of sugar... wait... make that 5 bags of sugar... and a can of Dr Pepper. Must have. Doctor. Pepper. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okie, byes! Love ya lots!
~Miss Goosey~
...must...resist...uuuurrrrrgggeeee.....Irkel! Oh! That's Katie's new word! Irkel! It means anything you want it to mean.... examples:
Oh, I love you sooo much.... iiiirrkel...
*giggles* like, oh my gosh, like, irkel...
*confused look* Irkel?
Maybe I'm spelling it wrong... *gasp* maybe the irkel monster of doom is coming to get me for my disrespect of the grand word irkel!! OH NO!!! I BETTER GO!!! SAVE ME FROM THE IRKEL MONSTER OF DOOM!!!!

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