Sunday, January 08, 2006


Yep, that's right. I gotsa cold. Yuuuuuuuck...
And if you read my last entry, you'da known that. So this post is pretty much pointless.
Except that I still have this stupid cold... I've had it since...hmmm...*thinks* New Years. Yep. I remember I kept sniffling when the people we were babysitting for came home... I was afraid I was scaring them, making them think I was babysitting even when I was sick..actually I thought it was just sinuses then...
But it can't be sinuses. Especially not after it got much worse yesterday morning- with the exhaustion, headache, and yuck up my throat... I've been taking Nyquil and Dayquil, since..umm...*thinks* Wednesday? At least Thursday... and yesterday I took some too, and we're out of that now...also took Mucinex yesterday, and that did work. But just on the yuck.
Yep, and it's working. Not on my cold, on my mind. It's deleting all possible bits of sanity that were left in my brain after that explosion. The explosion of doom. Ya know, with bananas, pickles, cookies, candy... thus causing me to obsess over those items. Yep.
I drove to the youth thingy at Ridglea on Friday. I don't think I have driven much lately. *ish experiencing deja vu* But, I did on Friday... and I had just taken a Dayquil right before we left. I mean, remembering-to-take-Dayquil-and-running-back-inside-to-do-it right before we left. Take my advice- don't do that. Boy that Dayquil sure worked. I didn't realize that was what it was at first... and I kept wondering why my focus was so off. I was soooo out of it. But we still made it safely to the church.
Oh, and I drove yesterday as well.. to.. oh yes! To the library. That was an interesting little assignment. Not the driving, what I was doing at the library. It was a grammer thingy... and we probably got there around 11 or 12. The library closes at *1:30* so that was interesting. I did get it done, though.
Planning my birthday party... I'm excited. I think we are actually going to start at a park, not sure which one. Yah, I know, the Evite said it started at Ridglea, I need to change that. It will be at Ridglea, at that time, but I think we're gonna start a little earlier at the park, and then go to Ridglea. So when we figure out which park, I will send out an email. And I'll be sending invites in the mail soon, too. Just as soon as we pick a nearby park...
And for those monitoring my Quizilla intake, I am still Quizilla-free. The urges are very intense when my brother goes on Quizilla, and he says something about it. I just want to go there- to check on something! Yah, that's right, to check on something.
Suuuuure Bethany, just to check on something.
But I have resisted temptation pretty well lately. Yayness!
Oh! I got a pertiful dress yesterday at Ross. It was awesome. First of all, I looooved it. It is sooo pretty. It fits, I love the fabric, the style, and the colors. It's such a happy dress! And second of all- IT WAS ONLY $7.50!!! And it's original price is $80.00. So I was really happy about that.
Oh yah! I finally decided on a pattern for sewing! I'm going to be making...DUN DUN DUN... a trenchcoat! The awesomeness! I can't wait! It's out of this denim material, that has colorful stripes. I think it's gonna rock. As in LIMESTONE rock. Yep.
Wow, that cold medicine is kickin' in good...
In other news, I'm going to be reading Around the world in 80 days for school. Anyone read it? How is it?
Lotsa stuff starts back up this week: Sewing and piano tomorrow, (fear the piano lessons) Bible Study on Tuesday, and art on Friday.
Oooooo...mesmerizing Coke bottles... eh, I mean, Coke stinks, drink Dr Pepper!!! Mike got this new screensaver the other day, with these bouncing coke bottles... and I like to watch it *gasp* because it follows a pattern. For some odd reason, it makes me REEEEAAALLLY happy when all of them go up at the same time. Mike thinks it's because I secretly like Coke. Which I don't, Dr Pepper rocks!!! Well, nevermind that sip of Coke that Katie gave me...other then that I've been coke free for..about..2 years? Maybe about 3. I'm pretty sure that whole thingy came up in 2003. Wait, did I say Katie gave me a sip of Coke? You never read that. And you also aren't going to read that *text snipped by user for horrific nature* :P Of course it could've been a Pepsi, and I do admit to liking Pepsi. It is, of course, inferior to Dr Pepper though.

Yah, I know, my life is boring. Oh well. Hope you're having a yummilicious day... and DON'T GET SICK. Luv y'all all, and thankles for reading! You make the world taste better! Almost as good as Dr Pepper!
~Cough Miss Sniffle Goose Sneeze~

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