Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Sorry, I'm taken.

Yep. That's right. I just took this quiz, and it told me I was married to an ant. Maybe I squished him... maybe that's why he's never around... yah...
Poor anty. Wonder what his name was.
Probably the only husband I'll ever have without knowing his name.
This is really random, and I'm officially addicted to quizzies.
OH!!!!!!! GUESS WHAT!!!! This is mostly for RachelE, but I found a coffee I like!!! YAYNESS!! COFFEE!!! SUGAR!!! CAFFEINE!! CHOCOLATE!!! HYPERNESS!!!
Yah, so I went shopping with Katie yesterday... funness... and we each got a coffee, and shared them. We got frappachinos (mmmmmmmmm) (sp?) ..I got Peppermint Mocha, and she got Java chip. I officially LOVE frappacinos... the yumminess! But I don't think I like Mocha. Too much coffeeness for me. But I reeeeeeaaaaaaaaallly liked the Java chip. Very good. With whipped cream... mmmm! They were so yummy!!!!
Anyways, the randomness, hope y'all are havin' a great week. And remember: Don't marry an ant.
~Miss Goosey~
...who's married to an ant...
PS I'm also a white bunny.

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