Friday, December 23, 2005

I wanna...

Ok, I just haaaaaaaaaaad to update. Well... as you know, (if you read the rest of this post) I was cooking. Yah. Uh oh.
Yah, tehehehe... I had a little... *adventure* in the kitchen. *shudders* Ok... first of all.. I was making hard candy... don't think I'll ever do that again, except in a controlled, safe environment :P Well, first off, scary part... well actually there were many scary parts, and one disgusting part... well... the candy was done, it was at the 'hard-crack' stage... so I turned the oven off, and mixed in the food coloring. Scariness... when I added the peppermint, I spilled a little bit, and I think it went down to the fire (like, the stove/fire, we have a gas stove) and the fire went "POOF!!!" and the oven was consumed by flames. Well, not exactly the whole oven, but the top of the stove near the stovetop I was cooking on, and the handle of the oven... scaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaary....
But that's not all. I didn't get burnt then, surprisingly. Notice I used the word 'then'. My arms and hands are tingling right now, I don't think they like me typing when I have *7* burns/blisters all over them. Yah. Scary. Well here's how that happened... well, I was pouring the stuffses onto the cooking sheets... and mom showed me a new way how to do it... now keep in mind this stuff sticks, and it sticks BAAAAAAD.... so yah, I tried to pour it some more.. and I accidentally hit the spoon on the oven, or the saucepan, or on SOMETHING, and it sent the candy stuff flying everywhere, and I dropped the spoon, and a BUNCH of the stuff splattered all over my arms, and it stuck, and started hardening... veeeery hot stuff... and so mom ran over to the sink and turned on the cold water, and I rushed my arms under it.. then she got the aloe vera...and she rubbed it all over... and I had 7 blisters and burns. Here's a pic of the worst burns on my right arm(below) ...that stuff burned the hair and skin off my arms :P *shudders* it's kinda hard to see, but here it is...

Anyways, Merry Christmas. Enjoy your non-burnt arms... haha... and pray for me as I go into the kitchen again :P Yes, I still have more stuff to bake... ;)
Enjoy the rest of the post :D
~The Fire Hazard~

I wanna wish you a merry Christmas,
I wanna wish you a merry Christmas

What a marvelous person! You are the splendid
Christmas tree! You are a spirited person who
almost always in a great mood. Your smiles and
laughter are some things that people usually
look forward to in you. You are someone who is
full of energy and ready for a good time. Most
likely you are a social butterfly. All of these
characteristics make you a beautiful person
inside and out. People just really enjoy to be
around you. Merry Christmas =)

What Christmas Figure Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

*regains composure* so anyways... AHHH!!! IT'S STILL MOVING!!! It's's... stopped? *whew*
so yah. It's Christmas EVE!!! It's Saturday! All kinds of good stuffses are bound to happen! Today, here's an overview of what I am, and what I've been hearing we're going to do:
Open *1* gift, and not until tonight. Mike already opened his though (loophole!) because it was this Star Wars foosybally table, and they said he could open that one, since it has to be put together, and they wanted him to have time to put it together and play it before bedtime. But I'll open my gift tonight.... decisions, decisions... which one to open? There's... the biggest one, which is a poofy box shaped one, it's about... I'd say 8-11-2 in dimension...with a blue bow on top (gotta remember the blue shiny pretty bow factor) and... there's a little box, it feels like a jewelry box...kinda thing... dimensions: about 6-2-1...and...there's a few cds, and I think one dvd...keeheehee... I know everything about present guessing :P But I like to leave a few surprises... then there's another box, like the first, about the same size, with a red bow.... oooooo freaky... red or blue bow... but yah, I think I will do one of those. I'm hoping there's a trenchcoat in one of them :D :D :D
So anyways, what else today.... I've heard talk of watching a movie at the theater(don't know which one) going to see Christmas lights...umm...and I'm going to be baking, a LOT. I'm making peppermints, mint meltaways, russian tea cakes, and zucchini bread. I never thought I would like zucchini bread, because I don't like zucchini (or so I thought) but then I tried making it one year, for Thanksgiving... and I looooved it... great texture, and I love the cinnamon-brown sugary-almost applelike taste. So I'm going to make some of that too... mom went to the grocery store to get the stuff to make all my goodies...not too long, actually, just a few things we don't have here...I'm making about 2 dozen each.... SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUGARSUGARSUGARSUGARSUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me=love=SUGAR!!!
Yah. I'm still hyper. I couldn't hardly go to sleep last night. Went to sleep at about 12 or 1, as usual... guh... I think it was because I had a biiiig bowl of chocolate ice cream about 8 or so.... :D not that I'm going to stop ;) But I should... maybe that'll be my New Years resolution: No candy/sugar/caffeine/chocolate after dinner hour. But that'd be torture! Oh well. I like torturing myself :D
Ok, I'm going to stop babbling now. Oh! You wanted to see my pretty hat, right? Well here it is:

Also, check out this pic of Meows:

Click the pic to go to Meowser's blog, for more pics. There's some perty funny ones....
Anyways, Merry Christmas Eve! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Thankles for reading, luv y'all all, sooooooo much! :)
~Merry Goosey~
...dashing through!!! Since we don't have snow, maybe that gives us a reason to dash through chocolate!!! YAY!!!!

1 Bananas:

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Burning yourself is no fun at all. Well, unless you want someone to call you hot. But then you'll have to spontainiously combust. And that's REALLY not fun.

Merry Christmas! Woo!

12/24/2005 3:25 PM  

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