Wednesday, December 28, 2005


haha, sorry, short postie but this is just great...quizzie, of course...
Congraduations you will graduate from the
university of ANTARCTICA with honors in JELLY
MAKING!!! Congrats once again your parents must
be very proud! Don't forget to rate me!!!

Which Fake Colledge Will You Go To?
brought to you by Quizilla

Anyone want to go to college in antartica with me? Free food and water at my igloo!!!
Wowsers...that really is pretty random...maybe they have cute bunnies there...wait, they'd freeze to death.. so I doubt it... welll is anyone with me? :D
~the random quizzier~

1 Bananas:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd come for a semester or two, as long as I could wear 10 pairs of pants. Could I? Huh?

12/29/2005 4:13 PM  

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