Saturday, May 27, 2006

I am like mega ultra super tired.

Yah. Lock-in last night.. and haven't had a lick o' sleep since.. I woke up yesterday morning... maybe 10ish... and I probably went to sleep around 1ish...maybe before, maybe after...
Yah.. first I'll tell you what I did at the lock-in, then I'm going to go away. Probably sleep :P
1. Made a shirt/jersey/chainmail/whatever-you-want-to-call-it completely out of Duck tape. Yesss. Zee awesomeness.
2. Painted/markered/doctored 3 shirts, red, black, and white, for camp.
3. Drank soda and lemonade.
4. WAS VERY HYPER!!!!!!!!!!!
5. Drifted between feeling like dropping to the floor out of exhaustion, and running around like a crazy maniac monkey.
6. Played Pickle Ball. (actually, I think it's picco-ball, but whatever, same difference..)
7. Hugged people. Lots of people.
8. Lightsaber fought!
9. Ate one dorito. I think it was just one. I might be wrong though.
10. Played an amazing-race-type-game. And won. And, amazingly, Mike, Stephen and I, by random drawing out of a hat, were on a team! So wierd!
Anyways..more later... yay for coffee and the mall and JESSICA!!! ...whom I saw yesterday at the mall. Actually met would be a better word. But I don't care. Because I have lack-of-sleep-exhaustion-syndrome. Yep. LOSES. Wieeerd....
So yah. Bye now.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I am still tired.

But it's a rather good sort of tired... just got through 6 hours of sewing with my gal pals an hour or two ago...
And I accomplished a lot today in quilting...
And... there have been rare sightings of floor :D Actually, I cleaned my room yesterday. It's so nice and clean and pertiful! It's nice to be able to walk around and not step on clothes and books and whatnot :P
It was so nice today.. so different.. mom left to drop mike off at karate, and she didn't give me ANY obligations to do while she was gone! She almost always says something like, "You need to do school work and STAY OFF THE COMPUTER while I'm gone." or "I want you to clean your room before I get back." or "You need to do the dishes, clean the kitchen, straighten up the living room, etc.." and today... there was nothing! It feels really great to have everything done!
Anyways.. I'm gonna go eat.. so I'll ttyl!
Hope you are having a sunniful day!
~Miss Goose~

Monday, May 22, 2006

I am tired.

I got up at..oh.. 9 or so this morning, and I was up... checked my email.. then I was watching a Star Wars commentary with Mike and fell asleep.. I slept until at least 12:30... and I'm still tired...
Well, just 2 more essays until summer. It was 3, but I got 1 done just a little bit ago. Here's some things I want to do, once I finish the essays:
PAINT!! I want to expirement with paints and try out some projects that I hope to teach in summer art workshops..maybe...
Clean my room. I'm not sure if there's any patches of floor in there.. I haven't seen them lately.. literally.. cloooothes all over the floor... and other stuff...books... micellaneous things.. but mostly clothes. I need to clean my room before Thursday, for I shall be starting a friendship quilt with some friends of mine on Thursday...
Work. Or put in applications. I actually had an interview at McDonalds last Sunday... (a week ago Sunday) and she said they could probably really use me, but she hasn't called me ideal job would be... Braums, Dairy Queen, Sonic, or Starbucks :D
Lol, sleep. Actually go to sleep on time, instead of after midnight... but I don't know if that's going to happen, since my parents usually stay up and watch tv... but they're getting better about it.
Plan a pool party!
Plan plan plan things. I have discovered that I love planning things. Pool Party, quilt thingy, art workshops... YAY FOR PLANNING THINGS!!!!
And I'm sure there were a ton of other things on my list... like get together with friends! Yay! And the lock-in on Friday-Saturday! Yay!
So I'll ttyl... hopefully I can get those essays done today! Chow :P
Have fun y'all...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Star Wars

Check out these three sites:

Many Many Star Wars Songs (scroll down)

Star Wars Parodies (my favorites are Yoda Sunscreen and Darth Vader is a real cool guy, but there are other good ones)

Star Wars Sunday School
(these are hilarious!) check them out, they're pretty fun!

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Ok. Beware. Really beware. You are about to experience Bethany high on sugar and candy and frosting and punch and SUGAR!!!!! But no Dr Pepper. *tear* BUT I HAD LOTS OF SUGAR AT THE GRADUTATION AND I'M REALLY HYPER AND HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I saw lots of people... twas so fun.. WACHE graduation... I got so hyper and running and I spilled my punch....
I'm so hyper, I almost typed in 'kitty' when I was logging into my Blogger account, lol. HYPER!!!!!!!!
YAY FOR HYPERNESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And YAY FOR SPACES IN BETWEEN THE SENTENCE AND THE PUNCTUTATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok. Now for some substance. Sort of. Not really.
Kitty midis!
Check out this site:
And here are some picks, plus some I found.
Alley Cat
Everybody Wants to be a Cat
What's New Pussycat?
We Are Siamese ...if you please :P
In the Jungle
Can't wait to be king
Wonderful Thing About Tiggers
Pink Panther

A random pick from a disney midi site: CLICK ON ME!!!
Yah. I'm looking for midis for ringtones. The funness. Right now, I have the Star Wars Cantina song, Something Wicked This Way Comes (from HP), Scooby Doo, Secret Agent Man, Mission Impossible, Looney Tunes, and Dig Dug. Yep. A very diverse collection indeed. I want at least one cat midi, and maybe Tigger as well.
I found the HP and SW songs at this site: YAY!! PICK ME!! CLICK ME!!!
Yah. I'm not hyper anymore. Really.
But it is wearing off... NOOO!!! DO NOT LET ZEE HYPERNESS FADE!!! NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My phone says Searching for service. Lovehdubly. That's my word, and it just popped into my head, for some reason.
Maybe art next thursday.. haven't been in awhile...
And I'm going to be paaaaaainting this week. I'm hoping to start a decorative art class, for beginners... just some summer workshops. Don't know how well that will work out...
Umm...anyways...what else... tired... stayed up 'til 1:30 last night doing spanish, and 'til 4 the night before doing math... and I still have 3 essays.. but it's only 3 essays! Only 3 essays 'til summer! MUST!!! PRESS!!! ON!!!
Bible verses are awesome! Random thought from my head!
I can't wait 'til I'm a senior... 'cuz I get to pick out my very own Bible verse :D :D :D
Um..anyways...what else... lol... I said that already...NO!!! DO NOT BE A COPY CAT BETHANY!!! Lol... I just wrote "Bething" instead of Bethany... I fixed of course.. but I can't evfen spell my own name! lol!
Um..yah..I'm going to listen to more cat music now. And I have to leave. So TATA!!! TATA HAHA!!!!
Fuzzy bunnies!
~Miss Goose~

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Bible Verse Post Edit

Or, BVPE for short :P
First of all, my new favorite verse is NOT Proverbs 24:15. It's Proverbs 24:13. Sorry about that ;) But do, by all means, check out Proverbs 24:13. Lol... if you read that... verse 15... you were probably thinking... "What? Why is that Bethany's favorite verse?" But you shall see why verse 13 is my favorite ;)
There were some other things I had to say that I will add to this post later...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Oh my gosh... just finished watching American Idol... AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just can't believe it! They voted Chris off! He was TOTALLY the best one on there... everyone whom I've talked to agrees... Chris shoulda won it! I was talking to a friend on Monday, we were both surprised that Paris was voted off... especially before Taylor and Elliot...
That is so wrong! Lol... I guess I'm just too into that show... :P
Anyways... that's my rant... yah... Chris should've won... the whole thing... he was the best...
CHRIS SHOULDA WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*stops ranting*
Lol...anyways... I have 2 posts, and the second is probably (definitely) more beneficial than this one... so be sure to read it!
Taylor and Elliot don't deserve to be on American Idol!!!!
*now be's quiet*
~Miss Goose~
...who thought Chris was the next American Idol... with a vengeance :P lol.. jk...


This postie is full of Bible verses! :P

I decided to post a reading list ;)
There are a few different subjects included in this reading list:
Music (I apply it to CCM, worship, Christian, hymns, whatever you call that genre),
What some may call a 'personal relationship with Jesus Christ' but I choose to call 'Living in the love of Jesus Christ', there are some miscellaneous type verses that I included in here that I consider a part of the 'walk with God', and none of these things are necessary for salvation, IMHO, but are very helpful in finding life and love in Jesus Christ
Denominations-or divisions in the church, why I do not like denominations
And finally, Baptism.

These are just verses I found on the subject and have collected into my 'reading list' :P
But first of all, I urge you all to read Romans 14, it is an EXCELLENT chapter regarding judgement, legalism, hypocrisy, etc. Grace and Peace, enjoy the reading list :) It's from the only perfect book out there ;)

Psalms 95:1-2, 6
Psalms 96: 1
Psalms 98: 4-6
Psalms 100:1
Psalms 144:9
Psalms 145:7
Psalms 149:1,3
Psalms 150:3-6
Isaiah 61:10-11
1 Corinthians 8:9

And finally, Psalms 1 applies, though it doesn't directly refer to music.

Next up, Living in God's love, walking with God in your life, (He is my Emmanuel!!!) or what some may call a 'Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ':

First up, the 'drawing near or close to God' verses:
Deuteronomy 4:7
Hebrews 7:19, 10:1
James 4:8

Seeking God: 2 Chronicles 15:2, Psalm 105:4
Knowing God: John 14:7,9 1 John 2:3-4, 4:8
Abiding in God, and God abiding in us: John 14:3, 2 Corinthians 6:15-18, 2 Timothy 4:22,
1 John 3:6, 2:5-6

Fellowship with God: Philemon v.6, 1 John 1:3,6
God is our Friend! (praise Jesus!): John 15:13-16
God is our comfort: Jeremiah 31:13, 2 Corinthians 7:6

Worshiping God in everything we do: 1 Corinthians 9:23, 10:31, Phillipians 4:8, Collosians 3:17, 23, 1 Peter 4:11

God's guidance: Proverbs 21:1, Jeremiah 29:11-13, 33:3, Romans 8:14, 1 Corinthians 14:15, 2 Corinthians 2:14,

And the miscellaneous verses regarding God's place in our life: Job 7:17-18, 1 Timothy 2:5, 2 Timothy 3:12, 4:17-18

Now, the denominations list:
Romans 8:37-39, 12:9-13, 16, CHAPTER 14!!!, 15:7
1 Corinthians 1:12-13, 17-18, 21, 23, 2:2, 5, 11, 3:18, 4:4-5, 18, 8:1-3
2 Corinthians 2:17, 11:3-4

I especially reccomend Romans 14, and 1 Corinthians 2:5.

And finally, baptism. I've just started this list.. so there aren't many verses on there. I'm pretty sure there's a verse likening baptism to circumcision, which is why I put the passage about circumsicion up there, but I couldn't find the verse.
Romans 2:11
1 Corinthians 1:17, 3:11, 7:17-20

Like I said, still working on that list ;)

And now, to reveal my new favorite verse :D to the world:
Proverbs 24:15

If you don't read this whole list of verses (I know, it's pretty long) than at least read Romans 14, 1 Corinthians 2:5, and Proverbs 24:15. There really awesome. To me, anyways.

Grace and Peace!
...the Bible addicted...

Monday, May 08, 2006

I'm not dead!

...haha...but close to it, perhaps ;)
I just saw that I hadn't put up a postie in...a month...or here ya go :P
Betania didst not finish school on time. She's working on it this week. Math, spanish, essays... I have left: 6 math lessons, 4 essays, and 12 Spanish lessons, all together, to finish up school. If I can just stick to my newly regimented schedule (I created a very regimented hour by hour type schedule...) than perhaps I can finish by the end of the week.
Let's see... since I last posted... I had a piano recital, got a cell phone, and...lots of other stuff...
This week... I have Piano Guild, regular stuff, youth wash on Saturday...umm... and hopefully school will end... soon... I'm about squished by stress :P
Well... I'm kinda not in the best mood today, don't know why... just rather pessimistic.. lol, like my last post... but not as bad :P I think I'm probably just tired, and haven't had enough candy ;)
Most stuff is ending soon- yay! Hopefully I'll have at least a week or two to just chill out... and do nothing :P before I get a job... and start studying for the PSAT... and all kinds of other summer activities...
And next school year won't be any better...

In other news, I finally decided on a color for my prom dress! Well.. first of all.. I don't remember if I blogged about it, but I'm going to be making my prom dress in sewing next year, hopefully. My mom and I have had some little tizzies over color, and style... she has a very formal looking dress in mind, and mine looks more... well.. dainty-ish and prettiful... flowy... but we finally found something we both like. I'm going to do two layers... the first layer is going to be bright pink (fear not, this will not show as bright pink :P) and the second layer will be sheer black... and it will cover the pink... so it will be a sort of burgundy. I'm thinking about embroidering some little pink daisies on the sheer black with my sewing machine.. Oh! and the dress will be with straps, but I'm going to make a shrug to go with it... out of the black sheer... so anyways... that was probably rather boring to some, but it's happy news to me :P I had thought about sooo many colors... dark purple, plum purple, pink, dark green, peach, red, burgundy, even black...and then I saw this idea... yayness!
I drew it out... not that y'allses would want to see it :P
Oh! In other news... my youth group is making a new youth tshirt, and they voted, and chose my design! Ish was happy...
I've been so tired lately, I really need to get more sleep... that's definitely something I'm going to be doing once I plow through the pile of schoolwork...
So yah... comment if you want to :)
~miss goose~